Trailer of ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato’ released


By A Staff Reporter,Kathmandu, May 25: The trailer of ‘Gaun Aayeko Bato’, has been released.

 Directed by Nabin Subba, the film is going to be released on June 7. 

Actor  Dayahang Rai, actress Pashupati Rai and child actor Prasan Rai among others can be seen in the trailer.

In the trailer, released on Thursday, actor Dayahang is seen different from his other films. Director Subba claims that Dayahang’s mature acting will be showcased in this film.

 “This film is one in which Dayahang has worked very well. He has also done good work in other projects. However, in this film, there is a noticeable change in Dayahang’s acting, it is perfect,” said director Subba.

Dayahang had heard about the making of this film around 2009. However, at that time, he did not think he would play a role in it.

 “I heard that a film was being made about the relationship between father and son, but at that time, I did not think I would get a part, even considering my age,” said actor Rai.

 “It was just a coincidence that this film was made at this time, and I got to work in it,” he added.

Actress Pashupati Rai, who paired with Dayahang in the film, also said that she learned different aspects 

of acting.

 “In my acting career of 19 years, director Subba has transformed my approach to acting. We had deep debates about acting, and it was a great learning experience,” she said.

 Prasan, who appeared as a child artist, said that it was a lot of fun working in the film. 

 Produced by Amod Rai, the film is written by director Subba and Mahesh Rai.

 Producer Rai is hopeful that the Nepali audience will like this film, made with community investment, just as the world audience has.

 “The film has returned to its home after touring major festivals worldwide. Since the global audience believed this film is good and liked it, we are hopeful that the domestic audience will also appreciate it,” said producer Rai. 

This film, made with community investment, was shot by American cinematographer Josh Herum.

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