Talking about our context, Nepali women also have advanced significantly in the workplace, rising to prominence in various professions and into executive ranks. And despite all their accomplishments, most of them still feel the weight of a "double shift," working full days on the job but caring for the home in the evenings.
At the heart of Nepal’s Shivratri lies the Pashupatinath Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Hinduism’s most revered shrines. Legend claims the temple’s Shiva lingam emerged when a cowherd’s cow spontaneously milked a hillside, revealing the sacred jyotirlinga. The Licchavi kings later enshrined it, establishing Pashupatinath as the guardian deity of Nepal. For centuries, the temple has drawn ascetics, royalty, and pilgrims, embodying Nepal’s identity as a “Shiva Bhumi” (Land of Shiva).
Mehaka Chahat Luintel, a graduate of Columbia University’s prestigious Creative Producing Programme, is the first Nepali student admitted to Columbia’s MFA programme in film. Her recent short film, Le Choix, shot in Lubumbashi, Congo DRC, delves into the
It has numerous hills and dales and the shortest route to Kailash Manasarobar and Rara Lake. Air travel has been risky due to the frequent weather changes. Likewise, narrow and poor conditions of roads or lack of road access have hindered domestic and foreign tourists from exploring the region. The Nepal Army constructed road that has connected Dunai, the headquarters of Dolpa, to the national road network after years of hard work.
A messy crowd of mixed ages milled about outside this shelter, oblivious of one another even while pressed close together. Except the few couples and family groups, most waiting for public buses bent their heads down utterly preoccupied in play with their smart phones. A few could be seen wearing masks to protect them from the deep, dark smoke that vehicles spewed and dust that flowed swirling the side of the road.
With its unstoppable march towards building a modern socialist state, China is rebuilding cities and revitalising the villages. Many cities have economically boomed and people are enjoying prosperity. The low-profile
Academic studies in Journalism have to thank primarily to The Rising Nepal, followed by the Gorkhapatra and the national news agency (RSS). All state-owned news outlets, the trio’s newsroom staff membe
Though the media landscape in Nepal has undergone a dramatic shift with the proliferation of digital platforms and private news outlets, The Rising Nepal (TRN) continues to play a critical role in shaping public
It was twenty-six years ago when The Rising Nepal (TRN) entered the internet, the base of the digital landscape. A revolution has taken place in the digital landscape since then, with almost all news media houses
My almost 28-year stint as a journalist in The Rising Nepal daily has been a mixed experience characterised by excitement, opportunities, and challenges. Prior to joining The Rising Nepal, I had a few years of jo
With rapid advancement in media technology, the media industry has gone through a sea change globally over the years. Because of sweeping changes in the media dynamics in no time, the digital media has e
Working as a journalist in The Rising Nepal (TRN), published by Gorkhapatra Corporation (GC), a government-owned entity, has been an overwhelming experience. On April 1, 2015, my journey began as a report