The recent investigative story Harayeka Barsaharu (The Lost Years), the latest in the series Herne Kathaharu (The Stories That Need to Be Seen), has uncovered the troubling presence of modern-day slaver
Lately, herbal remedies are growing in popularity in place of allopathic medicines as the latter is more likely to incur side effects. Particularly, social media has been used to champion the greater benefits of herbal remedies. Influencers are seen jostling online for users’ attention with click bait approach towards their health posts in social media. Reels, videos and posts perpetuate a healthier approach to life online as influencers compete to attract the attention of viewers.
The ruling and opposition parties have clashed in the federal parliament over Deputy Speaker Indira Rana Magar's ouster. A letter written about 19 months ago to the American mission in Kathmandu request
Within the vastness of Nepali politics, in a place where tradition collides with the aspiration of modernity, one priority for future development of the nation has probably been located: bridging the int
Many researches have shown that human beings have an inborn curiosity to learn right from the start. The process of learning never ends. The more we learn, the more inquisitive we grow. This desire to learn, explore and understand persists with them throughout their lives. That should be good news for teachers.
News is getting excessively expensive when it comes to sifting facts from fiction. Verifying information exacts extra time, cross-checking with channels of opposing persuasions and individual interests. A constant
The cooperative sector in Nepal has been in crisis over some years because of mismanagement, and embezzlement of depositors’ hard-earned money. Various investigations have shown that the problem has e
In the bustling life of Kathmandu, where the rhythm of daily activities often overshadows our most cherished relationships, it’s easy to forget the fleeting nature of childhood. As a journalist and a parent to a 7-year-o
Dengue fever, transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has rapidly emerged as a significant public health challenge in many parts of the world. With the changing climate, urbanisation, and inade
Food is undoubtedly essential to human existence. Interestingly, this largely constitutes societal processes such as political economy, social and cultural constructs of food and nutrition since the history of human civilisa
The horrors of COVID-19 struck every citizen across the globe directly or indirectly. People still remember those days of lockdowns and quarantines afresh. Altogether, nightmarish days left the world in do
The cool night skies of this month would display perplexing planets, stunning stars, confounding constellations, and enchanting entities that embellish the heavens. Planet Mercury could be marked in the eastern sky before sunrise for a f