District Administration approval compulsory to enter India in Kalikot


By Prem Raj Simkhada, Kalikot, April 9: Citizens of Kalikot district are required to take approval of their district administration before entering India.  

Citizens who are willing to go kadarnath to seek labor work are required take approval.

A letter with combined signature of Member of All Nepal National Free Students’ Union (ANNFSU) Hikmatgunj Malla and vice-Chairperson of Youth Federation Nepal, Kalikot Dineshgunj Shahi have been submitted to district administration to end the provision to take its permission through dialog at the foreign ministry level.

The letter sought home ministry to take initiative in this concern via foreign ministry. 

District administration officer Jhora Singh Manji informed that the letter has been sent to the ministry of home affair. 

He further informed that the provision of taking permission from district administration is implemented since last two years. 

As he added as labors from Nepal found difficulty to get labor without permission in Indian side.

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