Pilot Shakya's surgery begins, observation for 72 hours


By TRN Online, Kathmandu, July 24: The surgery of the injured pilot of the crashed Saurya Airlines Manish Shakya has begun at KMC Hospital Sinamangal.

The director of the hospital Dr Suman Shrestha informed that Pilot Shakya was carried to the operation theatre for the operation. 

He said, "Multiple injuries are in the various parts of the body. Injury is also above the eye. The brain has been swollen due to broken spinal." 

Dr Shrestha said that Pilot Shakya will remain on 72 hours of observation at the Neuro ward. He also said that spinal surgery will performed after a few days.

Pilot Shakya was the only survivor of the crashed Saurya Airlines plane on Wednesday morning. 

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