Ways to enhance China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation


Li Heng and Yuan Bo 

At present, the international drug epidemic continues to spread, a wide variety of new drugs are emerging in an endless stream, and the anti-drug control struggle is complex and changeable. The anti-drug control work in China and Nepal faces many risks and challenges. Under the framework of the Belt and Road, China and Nepal have continuously deepened cooperation in various fields and made many positive progress. As an important area of China-Nepal cooperation, drug control must unswervingly promote the high-quality development of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation and build a China-Nepal community with a shared future that is not harmed by drugs. We should focus on innovation-driven, strengthen the new quality anti-drug combat effectiveness, explore the establishment of a new police operation mode of "professional + mechanism + big data", point out a new direction for China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation, and become a new path to promote the high-quality development of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation.

Firstlyconsolidate the foundation of new quality anti-drug control combat effectiveness with professional innovation. Talents are the first resource, and professional teams are the basis of combat effectiveness. The severe anti-drug situation urgently needs to improve the professional level of anti-drug cooperation. To promote the high-quality development of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation, we should adhere to the talent-driven approach, strengthen the building of anti-drug professionals, and stimulate new drivers of anti-drug cooperation.

Highlight the actual combat orientation to train professional talents, gather various resources to improve the education system. On the one hand, we should adhere to the practical problems oriented, deeply integrate the training of professional talents with the anti-drug combat between China and Nepal, closely connect with the needs of the front line, and cultivate a professional anti-drug force with the ability of theoretical application and technological innovation. Aiming at the difficulties, blockage points and pain points of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation, innovating the ideas and modes of education, and promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and anti-drug cooperation through talent training. On the other hand, we should realize collaborative education and make full use of the practical resources and professional universities of the two countries to train anti-drug talents. Select-drug personnel with strong professional ability and rich working experience of actual combat units to participate in the process of talent cultivation, and further improve the professional quality and actual combat ability of anti-drug police personnel. Innovative achievements such as sociology, law, psychology, big data and artificial intelligence will be integrated into the anti-drug professional education system to enhance the era and frontier of anti-drug talent training.

Secondly, we need to ensure the construction of new quality drug control combat effectiveness with mechanism innovation. Anti-drug work has a large business scope and involves many departments. Improving the supporting guarantee mechanism and realizing the full integration of anti-drug resources are the top priorities. To promote the high-quality development of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation, we should adapt to the anti-drug situation at the new stage, actively deepen bilateral anti-drug cooperation, and explore innovative mechanisms to ensure the construction of new quality anti-drug combat effectiveness.

We will improve the mechanism for anti-drug cooperation and sharing, and continue to consolidate China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation. On the one hand, in order to effectively deal with the new changes of transnational and mass drug crimes, it is necessary to improve the China-Nepal anti-drug police cooperation mechanism to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the crackdown. China and Nepal should strengthen the sharing of anti-drug information, mutual assistance of police forces and resources, and coordination of police forces, achieve mutual integration and common development, and continue to promote the deepening and implementation of China-Nepal anti-drug police cooperation. On the other hand, we need to consolidate the China-Nepal anti-drug control cooperation mechanism under the "Belt and Road" framework, maintain regular communication and coordination, share experience and practices in drug governance, promote the implementation of anti-drug control cooperation projects, and strengthen bilateral cooperation in drug prevention education, technical exchanges, drug rehabilitation and alternative development. At the same time, China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation should adhere to the principle of win-win cooperation, equality and mutual benefit, carry out anti-drug diplomacy in response to the new situation, constantly deepen international cooperation under the UN anti-drug Convention system, and contribute the plans and wisdom of China and Nepal on the global anti-drug stage.

Thirdly, technological innovation will enable the improvement of new quality of anti-drug combat effectiveness. Science and technology is the first productive force, and digital intelligence gives birth to advanced combat effectiveness. China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation should actively adapt to the new situation of digitalization and intelligence in the new era, seek combat effectiveness from science and technology and data, constantly strengthen scientific and technological innovation and application of achievements, and improve the quality and efficiency of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation by relying on new technologies, big data and intelligent achievements.

Open up the difficulties in the application of anti-drug combat technology, and build the innovation ecology of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation. On the one hand, big data, cloud computing, block-chain and other technologies are applied to drug control work, and supporting intelligent drug control has become the normal drug control with science and technology. In drug cooperation to focus on actual combat through technology application difficult pain points, promote drug inspection appraisal, hair quick inspection, sewage monitoring, drone inspection, drug addiction and harmfulness assessment development of technology application, strengthen the column tube substance addiction and drug abuse early warning research, for the situation monitoring and drug management provide strong support of science and technology. We will comprehensively improve the digital and intelligent capacity of China-Nepal anti-drug control cooperation, explore new ways for smart anti-drug control cooperation, and promote the transformation of anti-drug control cooperation from quantitative and manpower intensive to intelligent, efficient and technology-intensive. Anti-drug cooperation, on the other hand, to combine the two countries drug strategy needs and local resources characteristics and development advantages, strengthen the artificial intelligence, brain science, neuroscience, detection analysis and quantum technology, the layout of the key frontier field, promote frontier drug science and technology application, growing drug science and technology innovation, completes the complementary advantages, resource convection, innovation cooperation fusion, strengthen the concept of collision, thinking collision and elements, promote the development of drug cooperation quality strong intelligence and resultant force.

It is of great significance to strengthen the new quality drug control effectiveness, vigorously promote the high-quality development of China-Nepal anti-drug control cooperation, and continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of anti-drug control cooperation between the two countries to build a China-Nepal community of shared future that is not harmed by drugs. Cultivating new quality anti-drug combat effectiveness is a long-term task and a systematic project, which requires coordinated efforts from the aspects of professional innovation, mechanism innovation and technological innovation to comprehensively enhance the level of China-Nepal anti-drug cooperation.

Li Heng and Yuan Bo are scholars at Southwest University of Political Science and Law

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