By Hari Krishna Aidi, Mugu, Mar 29: The season of
sightseeing in the largest lake of Nepal, Rara Lake, has started. It is found more suitable to visit Rara from
March to June than in other seasons.
A foreign tourist currently trekking around Rara, Antigole, who is sightseeing under Durga
Female Trekking Nepal of Pokhara, has found the atmosphere around Rara Lake suitable.
According to her, the color of Rara Lake changes according to the color
of the sky, sometimes it turns blue, sometimes white, and sometimes black.
The lake becomes enchanting when the shadow of
clouds falls on the lake and when the shadow of the beautiful Himalayas shines on
the still water of the lake after rainfall.
According to the founder of the Durga Female Trekking Nepal of
Pokhara, Durga Rawal, the best month of sightseeing in Rara is from March to May and October to November.
She said that if the foot trail from Jumla to Rara of Mugu,
Humla, Dolpa till Khaptad can be developed by developing infrastructure then those
who want to do a long foot pilgrimage can relish it.
It can also create employment opportunities for local females
and for that, it is a must to develop a foot trail from Rara Chayanath, Rini Mokshya Tirtha
(debtor liberating shrine).
According to the office of the Rara National Park, 3,754 tourists
have visited Rara in the current fiscal year. Rara Lake is situated at 2,880
meters from sea level, is 167 meters deep, 5.1 kilometers long and 2.7
kilometers wide, while the bank of Rara Lake is 14.6 kilometers long.
It takes around seven hours to go around the lake on foot. Cycling and horse riding can be enjoyed but is forbidden to go swimming and bathing in the lake. There are
many temples in the area. The Chayanath Mountain and Rini Mokshya in the east of
Lake, are always covered with snow.