Tree felling campaign for monkey control protested


Gandaki, Jan 30: A decision to run a campaign 'I will cut down my trees' for the control of monkeys has been protested in Pokhara.     

The decision made by Pokhara metropolis-19 has witnessed a hiccup. It may be noted that the ward office issuing a public notice on Monday had requested the ward residents to support the campaign by felling trees in their neighbourhood within 10 days.     

Various actor including environmentalists have protested the decision to run a tree cleanup campaign.     

Pokhara Metropolitan City Mayor Dhanraj Acharya said his serious attention was drawn over the campaign of ward-19 for felling trees. He further said the ward office has been cautioned for not carrying out such work as the metropolis has not made any such decision to cut down trees.     

Mayor Acharya also asked ward residents not to rely on the information issued by the ward.     

Ward Chairperson Pushpendra Pandey had informed ward residents to chop down trees in their surroundings for the control of monkeys in the most affected areas, Lamachaur and Purunchaur.     

The ward's decision is abuzz in the social media too, with majority of the users expressing their opinion against it. (RSS)

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