• Monday, 10 March 2025

Patriotism: Commitment, Dedication To Nation


Sunil Paudel

A sense of patriotism is a love for, devotion to, and commitment to one's country, as well as a connection to other people who have these same sentiments. It is a commendable trait given the utmost respect shown to patriots. It alludes to a set of concepts that are strongly related to nationalism.

 A patriotic person is one who values, is loyal to, and supports his nation and who has a strong sense of devotion to his own place. The first thing a genuine patriot does is put his country before himself. It is put to the test under trying circumstances like wars, pandemics, and natural disasters.  Patriotism fosters the idea of brotherhood and helps to reinforce ties with one's fellow people. Children must be respected and mentored by teachers and elders to develop even the tiniest feeling of duty and love for the country in order for them to grow up to be reliable and magnificent citizens.

Love, Pride and Sacrifice

Patriotism refers to a high feeling of love, pride, and sacrifice for one's nation and its citizens. A patriot is someone who supports their nation and is willing to protect it in the face of adversaries or critics. People from the nation are considered to have a strong sense of patriotism in their veins. With their devotion to, and affection for, their nation, patriots are the true heroes. Great patriots in the Nepalese context include Gautam Buddha, Amshuverma, King Janak, Sita, Araniko, King Ram Shah, and Amarsingh Thapa, all of whom made important contributions to the nation. 

True patriots ought to work hard to keep the spirit of refusing tribute to the nation alive. Now that the country is being developed, Nepal's leaders must have such a profound inner love for it that they must be purified in order to do it in a way that fosters harmony and peace within the nation. A person who has achieved national recognition for their contributions to the nation's history is referred to as a national hero. Therefore, they are typically regarded as national historical figures. 

One of the purest emotions a man may experience on his own, patriotism cannot be spoon-fed or taught; it is something that only a man can experience. Being loyal to one's country is a feeling of integrity. A person is motivated by this emotion all the time. Everyone needs to possess this asset. It contributes to the country's ongoing tranquilly. Patriotism has a significant influence. Thus, the true love of a nation that its inhabitants have for it is what is meant by the term "patriotism." A heroic and valiant deed performed for the benefit of the nation is referred to as patriotism. Putting national interests ahead of individual demands is what it means to do this. Stronger as a result, is the country. 

There must be affection for the country we call the "motherland." Our "motherland" must be respected, and we must endeavour to improve our quality of life here. Patriotism plays a crucial role in a nation's ability to maintain its freedom. For the love of his nation, a patriot will always be willing to give his life. A true patriot makes the country eternal. Men cherish their native land. They do a variety of actions to benefit the nation. The word "patriotism" refers to this love of one's nation. One of a man's finest traits is his sense of patriotism. The highest mental emotion, to put it simply. As opposed to heaven, mothers and motherlands are supposedly better.

Balabhadra Kunwar and Bhakti Thapa are Nepalese heroes who also served their country. In the Nepalese monarchy, Balabhadra Kunwar served as both an administrator and a military leader for the Gorkhalai tribe. He represents Nepal's national heroes.

 For protecting Nalapani Fort during the Anglo-Nepalese War, he received high recognition for his military prowess (1814–1816). In the Nepalese army, he served as a captain and was in charge of guarding the forts in Dehradun. In its battle with the English, the Balabhadra Kunwar defended Nepal's national identity. In doing so, he exemplified the nation's patriotism. In order to truly express their love for the nation, the people should follow in the footsteps of a great hero. Bhakti Thapa was the opposing hero.

 Military leader and administrator in the Kingdom of Nepal, Bhakti Thapa Chhetri was a native of Nepal. The Lamjung kingdom was his first employer. One of Nepal's national heroes, he is thought to be. To keep the country's sense of brotherhood alive via fraternity, the Nepalese people should emulate the great heroes. In order to improve the nation's standing by taking on the burden of the birthplace, patriotism should shine in the realms of leaders, armed forces, politics, and organisations. As a result of one's substantial contribution, patriotism is a sense of obligation to one's nation. 

Great Patriots

We can protect the country's existence if we take the same road as great patriots. In order to preserve society's reality, the nation must seek for true patriots. Born in 1808 B.S., another patriot is Amar Singh Thapa. When Prithivi Narayan Shah was in power, his father was a gallant Gurkha soldier, and he was a valiant military leader throughout the Anglo-Nepal War of 1814–1816 AD. He genuinely loved the United States. For the "Chaubise and Baise states" to come together, his contribution was crucial. He oversaw Nalagadha, Ramgadhja, and Gadhwal forts during the Anglo-Nepal War. He valiantly overcame the British Force when they gallantly invaded Ramadha with a sizable army and guns. 

The property had been offered as an inducement by The Octorlony, but Thapa had resisted. The nation benefited greatly from his contributions. Successful patriotism in the country is a result of strong thinking and determination. To pay respect to the nation, the masses ought to follow the senior patriots. A relevant situation for the nation may be offered by the positive stamp. To get a favourable outcome, we need thus adopt a positive reaction.

(Paudel works at a publishing house as a translator)

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