30 bodies retrieved from vehicles buried in Jhyaplekhola landslide


By Murari Adhikari, Dhading, Sept. 29: Thirty bodies have so far been retrieved from the vehicles that were buried in landslides at Jhyaplekhola along Tribhuvan Highway.

14 bodies were taken out on Saturday while 16 bodies were retrieved today, Sunday.

Gautam KC, chief of the Dhading district police, informed that a microbus heading to Kathmandu from Chitwan was also found at a state of being buried this morning.

13 bodies, that of 9 males and 4 females, have been taken out from the microbus with registration no. Ba 3 Ja 1345.

Another bus with registration no. Na 4 Kha 2270 heading from Gorakha to Kathmandu has also been found being buried at the same location and four bodies have been retrieved from the bus, according to Pralhad Silwal, information officer of the Dhading district police office.

The 14 bodies were retrieved from a microbus that was buried there. The microbus was heading to Kathmandu from Butwal.

As the vehicles have been broken into pieces and the bodies scattered around under the debris of the landslides, it has been difficult to ascertain which bodies belonged to which vehicles, according to information officer Silwal. 

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