25 stranded in Sri Lanka Island rescued


Dharan (Sunsari), Sept 29: All 25 individuals who were stranded on Sri Lanka Island at wards 6 and 9 of Barahakshetra municipality due to the Saptakoshi River flooding have been rescued.     

They are the residents of Thakurbari of Barahakshetra and rear buffaloes as a means of livelihood.     

According to Barahakshetra municipality mayor Ramesh Karki, they were rescued with the help of security forces who escorted them to safety on boats.     

Efforts had been in place to rescue them since Saturday morning, but it had not been possible due to continuous rains. A team led by Chief Minister of Koshi Province, Hikmat Kumar Karki, and Chief District Officer, Ramchandra Tiwari, also considered launching an aerial rescue for them in coordination with the federal government. But adverse weather prevented their rescue on Saturday.     

The mayor said as the water level in the River decreased with the disruption in the rainfall, they were safely rescued with the help of the Nepali Army, Nepal Police, and locals on boats.(RSS)

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