Gulmi Jail being transformed into a reform centre


By Ramesh Biswokarma,Gulmi, Sept. 27: The jail in Gulmi is being transformed into a correctional facility focused on rehabilitating inmates by providing them with skills and opportunities to generate income.

This initiative shifts the prison’s role from merely being a detention centre to a reformatory institution where individuals serving sentences for various crimes are engaged in skill-based activities.

Chief District Officer Krishna Prasad Sharma said that multiple efforts were being made to connect the inmates with entrepreneurial and skill-development activities. 

In addition to imparting income-generating skills to the inmates, a new practice has been initiated to involve them in labour, further promoting their rehabilitation.

Under a recent initiative by Chief District Officer Sharma, a bookshelf has been installed and a collection of books has been made available to facilitate the inmates who wish to read.

Despite their involvement in entrepreneurial activities, books have been provided for inmates who wish to read and write, thereby promoting a change in mindset alongside their studies. 

Likewise, arrangements have been made for the production, sale, and distribution of various types of wooden products prepared by inmates. 

Sharma noted that for the past 18 years, the prison has been engaged in making bamboo products, including mudas (sitting tools). 

However, in addition to furniture, Dhaka textile weaving has now been introduced, he added. This engagement in enterprises has enabled inmates to earn an income.

 Upon observing the production and activities inside the facility, it gives the impression that it is not a prison, but rather a workshop producing a range of goods, Sharma said.

The interior and exterior of the prison, including the rooms, have been upgraded. The kitchen has been expanded and equipped with rice cookers and electric stoves and the toilets have been repaired and expanded. 

Double-decker beds have been installed to better organise sleeping arrangements for inmates. Other facilities like electric geysers, refrigerators and TVs have also been provided.

Monthly turnover of Rs. 6 to 8 million

The jail generates a monthly turnover of Rs. 6 to 8 million by selling mudas, Dhaka textiles and furniture manufactured there.

Gulmi Jail’s Chief Jailer Reshmiraj Panthi stated that the successful integration of inmates into skill-based enterprises within the jail had been made possible due to the strong relations between security agencies, the administration and the internal jail management. 

Panthi noted that skilled workers earn up to Rs.15,000 per month, while assistants earn between Rs.8,000 and Rs. 12,000 monthly.

Jailer Panthi mentioned that the absence of an external compound and the limited size of the inner compound had added challenges in running the industry.

“According to the concept of the Nepal Prisons Act 2079, it will be easier to manage the facility as an open prison by registering it as a small industry at the Department of Cottage and Small Industries, based on the skills of the inmates,” said Panthi. 

Overcrowding in the Prison

The jail is currently housing more inmates than its capacity. The jail having the capacity to accommodate 25 inmates, houses 107 inmates.

Among them, 78 are male prisoners, five female prisoners, 22 male detainees and two female detainees. 

Of these, 43 inmates are serving sentences for rape. Jailer Panthi informed that the jail houses 16 inmates for theft, 14 for murder, seven for driving offences, six for polygamy and two for rape and murder.

Additionally, there is one inmate related to the production of weapons and explosives, one for cow slaughter, five for attempt to murder, eight for criminal nuisance (arson), one for unnatural sex and one related to citizenship, passport and false document. 

Other inmates include one person each for banking and foreign employment crimes and child sexual abuse. 

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