Gandaki province screening patients suffering from NCDs


Gandaki, Sept 13: The Health Ministry of Gandaki Province is screening patients suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in the community-level.  

Health Minister Krishna Prasad Pathak shared that the Ministry is going to screen patients suffering from diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and cancer with the collaboration of local levels to treat such diseases.  

The Gandaki Province government has allocated Rs 10 million budget in the current fiscal year for the same.

"A study shows that 71 per cent death in Nepal is from non-communicable diseases," Pathak said, adding that many people have been suffering from such diseases due to unhealthy food and lifestyle and arrangement of timely treatment of non-communicable diseases should be done.

The Province Health Minister stressed that such programme would help to find out the condition of non-communicable diseases in the province. Stating that there are many issues in the health sector that should be improved, which is directly connected with daily life of the citizens, he said its solution would be find out through policy-level arrangement.  

The Health Ministry would carry out deep study about the lack of human resources and medical appliances at hospitals and health institutions and introduce a new policy-level plan, he explained. 

He further said he would take initiatives to make treatment services of hospitals and health institutions under the Province smooth and of quality, sharing that the difficulties facing by those taking treatment services through health insurance would be ended. 

The Health Minister opined that initiatives would be taken run medical education classes at Dhawalagiri Sub-Provincial Hospital. (RSS)

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