Stringent measures will be taken against financial crimes


By A Staff Reporter,Kathmandu, July 23: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli addressed queries from nine lawmakers during Monday’s session of the House of Representatives, responding to a variety of pressing concerns and topics.

Responding to concerns raised by MP Dhanraj Gurung, PM Oli detailed the government’s initiatives and timelines.

Prime Minister Oli affirmed his commitment to upgrading the Butwal-Pokhara road to two lanes under Gandaki Triangle Project, fostering integrated development with private sector collaboration. He emphasised that the project includes infrastructure, industrial, agricultural, and energy sector enhancements, with significant progress expected soon.

“Pre-feasibility studies are complete, and environmental approvals are obtained. We’re proceeding with modalities for investment and detailed design,” said PM Oli, regarding the Andhi Khola Reservoir Hydropower Project.

In response to concerns about economic governance, the Prime Minister highlighted stringent measures against financial crimes. “We will adopt risk-based evaluations and strengthen supervision across sectors prone to illegal transactions,” he said.

Similarly, responding to queries raised by MP Deepak Bahadur Singh regarding Nepal’s border issues and the escalating problem of corruption, PM Oli reiterated Nepal’s stance on the border issue, citing the Second Amendment of the Constitution of Nepal and historical treaties. “We have a national consensus that territories east of the Kali (Mahakali) River belong to Nepal. Diplomatic discussions with India are ongoing to resolve this matter peacefully,” he said.

Regarding corruption, the Prime Minister assured that the government was committed to combating corruption at every level. “We are implementing stringent measures and pursuing cases such as the gold smuggling scandal and co-operative fraud vigorously,” he said.

Likewise, Prime Minister Oli addressed concerns raised by MP Dr. Dhawal Shamsher Rana regarding public perception of corruption and the government’s approach to constitutional amendments.

“The government is committed to conducting fair and independent investigations into allegations of corruption and illicit wealth accumulation. We are actively addressing issues in sectors such as cooperatives to protect depositors’ interests and restore trust,” said PM Oli.

Regarding constitutional amendments, the Prime Minister assured that amendments would be pursued with national consensus to address current challenges and propel the nation towards stability and prosperity. “We will engage with all political parties to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach,” he said.

Likewise, Prime Minister Oli reaffirmed his commitment to combat economic crimes and accelerate infrastructure development in Nepal.

Responding to another query from Nepali Congress MP Dhanraj Gurung,  Prime Minister Oli said, “We are witnessing an increase in incidents of fraud involving cooperatives, microfinance, cryptocurrencies, hundi, and other illicit methods. The government will mobilise existing resources and manpower effectively to investigate these cases and bring the perpetrators to justice. We will adopt a risk-based assessment system to tackle financial crimes, intensify supervision in high-risk sectors such as casinos, precious metals, real estate, and banking, and impose stringent penalties on wrongdoers,” he added.

Emphasising a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, Prime Minister Oli assured that high-risk areas would be identified, and promotional, preventive, and remedial measures would be implemented to curb corruption and promote ethical governance. 

He also committed to strengthening internal controls within government departments, amending and enforcing public procurement laws effectively, and activating agencies to combat revenue leakage and illegal economic transactions through coordinated efforts.

“We will focus internal loans on major infrastructure projects, develop a factual customs assessment system, and enhance revenue mobilisation capabilities. These steps are essential to address the current economic slowdown and improve the business environment,” said PM Oli, regarding issues with economic revitalisation.

Regarding infrastructure projects, Prime Minister Oli provided updates on the Gandaki Economic Triangle initiative, aimed at integrating transportation, industrial development, energy, agriculture, and tourism sectors. 

Meanwhile, MP Devi Prakash Bhattachan asked questions regarding the 100 per cent operation of the planned 1726 MW Uttarganga Reservoir Hydropower Project and legislative reforms.

“The Uttarganga Reservoir Hydropower Project, now managed by Uttarganga Power Company Limited, has completed feasibility and environmental impact assessments. Land acquisition processes are underway, and we are awaiting the generation license from the Power Development Department. Our goal is to commence construction within four years after finalising feasibility and funding modalities, ensuring robust infrastructure development and energy security,” said PM Oli, responding to the query.

On the uranium mining prospect in Lomanthang, Prime Minister Oli acknowledged preliminary findings by the Department of Mines and Geology. “Given the strategic nature of uranium, detailed exploration and regulatory reforms are essential. This includes upgrading laboratories and training manpower to ensure safe and efficient mining practices,” he said.

Regarding legislative matters, Prime Minister Oli assured that the bill to amend laws for Nepalese cargo ships on international sea routes had been submitted to Parliament. “We are committed to expediting discussions and passing the bill to enhance Nepal’s maritime capabilities,” he said.

Likewise, MP Dilendra Prasad Badu asked questions regarding the Darchula-Tinkar Road and Mahakali River management, both critical to Nepal’s strategic interests.

Prime Minister Oli affirmed that the Darchula-Tinkar Road, part of the National Pride Project, is crucial for trade, tourism, and national sovereignty. “It has been entrusted to the Nepali Army for efficient management and rapid progress, particularly in the challenging Tusharapani-Kothedhar-Tinkar section, which is 80 per cent hard rock,” he said. “The government is committed to providing necessary resources and has allocated funds to expedite construction, aligning with the Nepali Army’s five-year action plan submitted through the Ministry of Defence,” he added.

Regarding river management along the Mahakali River, Prime Minister Oli clarified that the decision to relocate the Mahakali River Control Project office from Darchula to Patan in Baitadi aims to enhance effectiveness in irrigation and river control across South Western Province. “Technical oversight remains in Darchula to monitor embankment construction,” he said.

Similarly, MP Durga Rai inquired about the recent political developments and legislative processes.

“I appreciate your congratulations. As I mentioned yesterday, the seven-point agreement aims to secure a vote of confidence. Both parties have committed to this arrangement, and there is no involvement of dissenting factions. The government will actively support and collaborate with parliamentary committees to finalize bills, ensuring the rights and interests of all citizens are safeguarded,” said PM Oli.

Meanwhile, MP Deepak Giri asked for updates regarding recent tragedies and the progress of the MCC agreement.

Prime Minister Oli responded with a detailed account of the search and recovery efforts following the Simaltal accident. He informed the house that 25 bodies had been recovered so far, with ongoing search operations involving significant security personnel and cooperation from Indian authorities due to potential cross-border implications. “The government is actively preparing the Road Safety Bill and has submitted the National Transport Policy for approval to enhance safety measures comprehensively,” he said.

“As Prime Minister, I assure the house that we have made significant progress under the MCC agreement. Specifically, we have successfully advanced projects related to transmission lines, substations, and road upgrades within the agreed timeframe. Currently, contracts for these critical projects are actively underway, with meticulous financial planning in place to ensure the effective utilization of the USD 500 million grant. It is important to highlight that these MCC initiatives will play a pivotal role in enhancing Nepal’s energy sector and facilitating technology transfer once these projects reach completion,” said PM Oli.

Likewise, MP Dinesh Kumar Yadav showed concern about the critical infrastructure projects and bilateral agreements with India.

Prime Minister Oli assured the house that the government was gradually paving the road along the dam of the Koshi West Canal within Nepal’s territory. He acknowledged the encroachment issue and stated that efforts would be made through bilateral mechanisms with India to address encroachments and ensure the construction of necessary infrastructure like paved roads.

“I want to inform you that we have completed the preparatory work for the road construction from Gaighat to the Indian border. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints in the previous fiscal year 2023/24, we were unable to proceed with the project. However, I assure you that the government is committed to prioritising and advancing this project in the current financial year to ensure its timely completion,” said PM Oli.

Prime Minister Oli also informed the house that the Sunkoshi-Kamala Diversion project was currently under study in conjunction with the Koshi High Dam project, jointly conducted by Nepal and India. He mentioned that after the completion of the study phase, decisions would be made regarding the implementation of the project.

Likewise, MP Deepa Sharma posed several questions in today’s parliamentary session regarding the progress and future of various national pride projects initiated under the government formed in 2020. 

“I want to emphasise that our government is fully committed to realising the vision of a prosperous Nepal and ensuring the well-being of our citizens. We understand the challenges facing several national pride projects that are either incomplete or stalled. Our top priority is to expedite the completion of these projects without delay, utilising our available resources effectively,” said PM Oli.

He assured the Parliament that efforts would be made to optimise the use of limited resources and ensure adequate budget allocations for national pride projects, transformative initiatives, priority projects, and other national endeavours. Furthermore, the Prime Minister underscored the importance of agile contract management and holding responsible parties accountable for project implementation.

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