'Ignoring heat stroke can take life'


By TRN Online, Kathmandu, June 12: Chief Health Administrator of the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) Dr Sameer Kumar Adhikari has urged to not ignore the symptoms of heat stroke.  

He said that the heat waves that have been observed lately in the country have affected the lives of people. Symptoms such as palpitations, low blood pressure, throbbing headache, dizziness, light-headedness, fainting and fever are observed when caught with heat waves. 

He urged denizens to lend a helping hand and take them to the hospital when one spots a person with such symptoms as it can take life as well. 

Dr Adhikari advised taking a person to cold and moist places, loosening their clothes so air passes through, giving enough liquids when a patient is awake and avoiding giving coffee, cold drinks, and alcoholic beverages, blowing air or a fan nearby, putting strips of wet cloth in forehead, feet, palms, and sole when one spots people with symptoms of heat waves. He urged to take the patient to the hospital if their health deteriorates. 

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