Oli bats for higher participation of women in party responsibility


Chitwan, June 7: CPN (UML) KP Sharma Oli has stressed the need for more women's participation in the party's activities.     

Addressing the swearing-in ceremony of the newly-elected Chitwan District Committee of CPN (UML) on Friday, he directed the party leaders to take women on board the party's assignments.     

There has been less corruption in the fields where women have taken their responsibility against their men counterparts, the former prime minister added.     

Likewise, chairman Oli instructed the party cadres to unite and make the party strong by ending internal disputes but by promoting internal interactions.     

The district committee convention of the UML was completed last week.     

In a separate context, Oli repeated his stance that Lord Ram was born in Ayodhyapuri of Madi in Chitwan district adding that the religious evidence and texts prove that Ram was born in Madi. "Several indicators confirm this (argument)," according to Oli.     

Likewise, Oli said that the construction of a Ram Mandir in Madi could be instrumental in bringing in more religious tourists and converting this site into a gem.(RSS)

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