• Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Interplay Between Domestic And Foreign Policy


The general perception of the society is that domestic and foreign policies are two different fields of statecraft with distinctly different features and functions. This line of thinking holds that the domestic and foreign policies have their own goals to achieve and separate challenges to tackle.  However, a close scrutiny into these policies reveals that despite different nomenclature and domain of function, they have symbiotic relationship, shaping and influencing one another’s trajectory of development. This is a reason why foreign policy practitioners understand ‘foreign policy as the extension of domestic policy’.

Domestic and foreign policies of a state represent different sectors of governance but their activities and decisions influence the function and effectiveness of the other. Domestic policies address issues of national security, governance, economic management, infrastructure development and welfare of the people, while the foreign policy concerns with the issues of interstate dialogue, foreign trade, foreign investment, migration and, of course, the questions of war and peace.  


There are instances in history in which great nations like the USA, Japan and China pursued policy of isolationism for a long period of time, avoiding entanglement in external issues solely focusing on enhancing domestic capacities. Pursuit of such a policy was possible in a phase of history when development of transport infrastructures, telecommunication, maritime travelling and aviation technologies were still at an incipient stage. In the present day interconnected world, such isolation is inconceivable.

In today’s modern world, a balanced mobilisation of domestic and foreign policy tools is a prerequisite of success for any country which wishes to safeguard its sovereignty and pursue economic prosperity and international visibility. Political stability at home, flourishing economy supported by strong productive sectors, fairly large employment market and comprehensive legal regimes conducive to foreign investment, help a nation to enhance its global standing and international profile. Projection of a strong domestic capacity enhances international image and attracts joint ventures, and widens scope of trade and collaboration.

Domestic strength of a country is reflected in secure borders, satisfactory state of law and order, improved situation of human rights, employment opportunity for the people, existence of technically competent human resource and fair level of democratic freedom.  Nepal’s contribution in international peace keeping mission is an important opportunity to showcase its ability to fulfill international obligations. Nepal Army has a splendid record in maintaining a valiant profile in various conflicts-ridden regions of the world. Its mark of professional excellence has been appreciated even by the United Nation more than once. 

Diversity of Nepali culture, illustrious heritage sites, beautiful landscapes and world renowned trekking routes and tourism destinations are Nepal’s other competences which can attract explorers, researchers, adventurers and tourists.  Nepal has many unique endowments which astonishes and allures foreigners. Nepal is the only country in South Asia which has a 3,000 year long unbroken history of preserving independence. When the British, French and Dutch colonialists ruled much of the world subjugating native people for hundreds of years, Nepal was able to defend itself as an inextinguishable beacon of freedom. 

National strength is like a graceful personality of an individual which ingratiates others. In order for us to lure foreigners as tourists, business persons with offer of joint ventures or investment, we must first acquire elegance befitting a smart nation. The first step to do that is to evolve a sustainable economy by increasing our agricultural productivity and build our manufacturing capacity in area where we have the potential. Agricultural modernisation, development of tourism resources, tapping hydro-energy and exploiting mineral resources we are endowed with are some of the priorities which can push up our GDP index and help us obtain prosperity. In turn we can upscale our international standing enabling us to play more concrete role in the area of international diplomacy.

Just as domestic affairs influence external relations so do foreign affairs exert significant impact on domestic policies in a number of different ways. The symbiosis between domestic and foreign affairs must be properly understood to formulate rational policies which help achieve pre-determined pragmatic goals on both the fronts.  There are historical instances in which an imprudent domestic policy initiative of a nation has brought a far-reaching positive impact on its foreign policy. Similarly, there is also no dearth of examples in which a rash decision of a specific nation on foreign policy matter have unforeseen consequences.  

When China introduced liberal economic policy in the 1990s, wave upon wave of western manufactures shifted their industries to China, paving way for an unprecedented economic boom in the country. Similarly, when the United States increased tariff on the Chinese goods in 2020 to protect American manufactures and to bring them back to America, it hit both the countries. Chinese manufacturing sector suffered a slump and is still trying to come out of the recession, while American economy already in recession due to COVID-19 pandemic, is still struggling to recover. 


Here are more examples, the Marshall Plan conceived in 1947 ostensibly to provide assistance to Western Europe to recover its economy, prevent communism from spreading and safeguard stability in the continent, brought unprecedented economic and strategic benefit to America. Even in the present day, the economic blockade imposed on Russia by the US and the European countries has had adverse impact on European countries. The blockade cut them off from the cheap Russian energy. Russia, on its part, increased its economic might ramping up its productive sectors on a war scale. Of all, the US benefited immensely by selling energy to Europe at an exorbitant price.  This shows that domestic and foreign policies do not operate in isolation but they work in tandem. 

The interplay between domestic and foreign policy is, therefore, the most essential dynamic to give shape to a nation’s strategic vision. Carefully coordinated policy thinking are like delicate threads that stitch together the two policy strands to ensure a seamless coordination between them, bringing the synergy between national endeavours and foreign policy competence into play to place the nation on a pedestal of international fame and economic prosperity.

(Dr. Bharadwaj in former ambassador and former chairperson of Gorkhapatra Corporation.bharadwajnarad@gmail.com)

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