Kalpana, the lone woman auto-rickshaw driver of Jumla


By Netra Shahi,Jumla, Jan. 4:The winter mornings are unforgivingly cold. Water is untouchable and the frigid air is much too happy to stab any part of the body left uncovered. No ordinary person dares brave these conditions, but Kalpana Budha looks an extraordinary person. 

Every day, at the crack of dawn, the 30-year-old originally hailing from Patarasi Rural Municipality-7 leaves her home with her trusty auto rickshaw. Then, till evening, she ferries passengers around Chandannath Municipality.

These days, it is easy. Many know her and, as possibly Jumla's only female auto driver, support her. But the conditions that brought her here were anything but. Kalpana was born to a postman father named Bhairav Bahadur Budha who, after she completed the fourth grade from the Maharudra Basic School at Patmara, sent his daughter to the district headquarters Khalanga to study at Saraswoti Secondary School. 

In the seventh grade, when she was only 13 years old, Kalpana married a boy named Ratan who was from the same village as her. Four years later, she gave birth to a son. But 17 days after that, Ratan ran off to India with another woman. He has still not returned. This left Kalpana helpless. She moved in with her parents and did whatever she could to provide for her child.

Then, five years ago, her brother Suvash encouraged her to begin driving auto rickshaws. Suvash is a former drug addict who now runs a rehabilitation centre in Khalanga to help other addicts recover.  Her brother's motivation prompted Kalpana to go to Surkhet and learn to drive autos. But then came the question of acquiring an auto. "I had learnt to drive but had no money to buy an auto rickshaw," she said. "Thankfully, my family stepped in," recalling the moment almost brought tears to her eyes.

Every member of Kalpana's maternal family, her parents, sister, brother and sister-in-law, gave what they could. This allowed her to purchase an auto with a down payment of Rs. 300,000. "I have not had to look back since."

In the last half a decade, Kalpana has become quite popular in Chandannath. People wait to get on her rickshaw and some days she is so busy that she does not even have time for food. Through her vehicle, Kalpana makes around Rs. 30,000 a month. She uses this money to educate her son, who is 12 years old now, and fulfil his needs. She wants to buy a four-wheeler now to be able to carry more passengers but health problems have been siphoning her money lately.

"I was not really comfortable with this occupation at first. But now, I am happy," she said. Bhairav Bahadur is also glad that his daughter is earning both name and money. 

Dil Maya Shahi, vice president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists' Jumla chapter, called Kalpana an exemplary woman who has proven that women can do anything if given the opportunity.

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