Order to remove difficulties approved by provincial assembly


Biratnagar, Dec 5: The meeting today of the Koshi Provincial Assembly unanimously passed the order to remove difficulties by the Speaker in accordance with Rule 198 of the Provincial Assembly Rules, 2074 BS.

It is related to the formulation of the thematic committees procedures.     

The order was presented by chief whip of the CPN (UML) parliamentary party, Rewatiraman Bhandari and seconded by Khageswari Paudel.     

During zero hour of the meeting, Provincial Assembly member Kishore Chandra Dulal demanded that the budget passed after a span of four months should be disbursed to the relevant bodies on time. Provincial Assembly member Gombu Sherpa drew the attention of the assembly to start the process of electing a speaker in the provincial assembly.     

PA Member Tilchan Pathak appealed to stop the politics of negation. Ramesh Kumar Basnet, Bidur Kumar Linthep and Gyanendra Subedi drew the attention of the House and the government to the contemporary issues.     

The next meeting of the provincial assembly will be held at 1:00 pm tomorrow. (RSS)

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