Devotees travelling to Humla to view sacred Kailash


By Rajan Rawat,Humla, July 19: Pilgrims have begun travelling to Lapcha to view the holy Manasarovar Lake and Mount Kailash from Nepal. They started travelling after the snow and debris that had accumulated on the road passing through the Nyalu Pass was cleared with the help of heavy machinery.

Paljor Tamang, chairman of Namkha Rural Municipality Ward No. 6, said that Lapcha provided a good vantage point for people to view the sacred mountain and lake located on the other side of the border in China. So far, 40 domestic and foreign tourists from five groups had come to the area to view Manasarovar and Kailash, both associated with Lord Shiva in Hinduism.

“Of the five groups, three were groups of foreign tourists while two were Nepalis,” Tamang informed. “This number is sure to increase as travellers are still coming,” he added.

Last year, 1,176 devotees, including the Indian spiritual personality Sadhguru, came to Lapcha located 5,000 metres above sea level.

Outsiders only began coming to this area six years ago. Before that, due to a lack of publicity, only Humla locals used to come to Lapcha.

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