• Sunday, 16 March 2025

AI Technology: How Nepal Can Benefit


In the recent past, the world has witnessed a technological revolution based on the advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The face of this revolution we can see in ChatGPT. What started as a passion project by a small corporation is today one of the world’s most visited websites and has taken hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from notable Tech Giants like Microsoft and google. But what separates this from the periodic increase in certain apps’ popularity is the new trend it brought.

The very reason we remember the iPhone was that it was not just a popular phone but was the start to a new trend in itself. Today it is not just about a tool that can give you answers you can find. 

AI fueled tools that can create a unique art piece based on the unique prompts that you give it are a reality. Tools that can create audio songs based on the lyrics you feed it in the voice of your favorite artist’s voice. But one needs to understand the principles that this software run on to truly know how these are not mere party tricks but an actual development for humankind.

This brings us to the current situation of our very own nation. There are dozens of unique solutions fueled by the developments by artificial intelligence that Nepal can integrate to increase its growth. 

For years we have witnessed that the difference between the nations that grow and the ones that stay is not actually capital but in fact the place where the conscious effort is made to spend that capital.

The production and supply of electric power in the nation for long has acted as a major reason for concern. Today through the integration of artificial intelligence programmes that carefully read the flow of rivers to read the capacity of production can easily increase the production and can also better manage the investment in these plants. If a new system is created that carefully reads all geographic data based on the flow of wind and water in the country, it will successfully make a model of what needs to be done where. 

The simple calculations made by humans and simple machines can only provide practicality but a system that has been designed to deeply understand the time and problems for load-shedding and the solutions that can be implemented to provide greater uninterrupted supply of power will truly create growth.

There are many other avenues in which a massive change can be made. Today, as a nation, economic calculation and management is a key to development. Statistical analysis of facts and figures is the only way necessary to build public policy. If we utilise and build on artificial intelligence systems that can analyse public and municipality statistics regarding public schools, water points, crime rates and rise of population, we will discover new and more effective ways

to analyse our funds and invest them in more appropriate areas. Coming to finances, the Finance Ministry can utilise such engines to invest our finances in areas which can be analysed by the AI powered computer. Eventually it is actual capital and assets that help us to increase our nation’s significance in the world. Today we see that our young men are going all over the world to provide whatever expertise they have for employment which bring foreign capital in the country. 

If we invest in these avenues we will have two key benefits: First the employed youth will gain millions of opportunities in our own nation, which will not only bring our youth home, but also their expertise and experience. 

The second, becoming a technologically advanced nation despite its small size will inspire a lot of foreign agencies including other nations and big companies to invest in our country and try to collaborate with us to prepare us for the future.

Israel can act as a key motivation for us in this case. Being a small nation built on the basis of religion that too with so much poverty, and yet their relentless ability to invest in defense technology has not only gained them attention and military power but has practically dragged them out of poverty. 

And let’s talk about Singapore and Japan. They are small nations that were once poor and weak and but today it is their investment in technologies that has gained them remarkable economic power. And there is no reason Nepal can't do this.

In conclusion, this light new trick around the block is actually a secret key hidden in technology for advancement of our great nation if we truly tap into its potential. With its help, we can start a revolution, one that will set us apart for generations to come and give us unparalleled power. 

To raise awareness about AI and to build expertise in this should be one of the top priorities as it is those who look at the future can actually prosper.

(Jha is a science student at Welham Boys' School Dehradun.)


Bimarsh Jha
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