Islamic holy month Ramadan begins


By A Staff Reporter,Kathmandu, Mar. 25: The holy Islamic month of Ramadan has begun since Friday.  According to the Hijri Sambat of Islamic calendar, there is a tradition that Muslims all over the world take fasting (Roza) for the whole month of Ramadan.Roza is mandatory for all Muslims except for the children and sick persons. 

According to the Quran, the holy book of Muslims,  it is necessary for every Muslim adult to observe the fast during the whole month.  

It is compulsory for every Muslim citizen, no matter whether the person is rich, poor or powerful, to take roza during the Ramadan period. They also make donations. It is believed that donations of some parts of the wealth to the poor and helpless people purify the remaining property.

The roza starts before the sunrise and ends after sunset. Those fasting are not allowed take any food after sunrise and before the sunset. During the roza time, people are not allowed to involve in bad activities. 

The holy Quran is recited five times a day regularly.        

During the holy month of Ramadan, people recites messages of Quran and involve in namaj prayer and provide helps to the poor and helpless people. 

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