• Monday, 31 March 2025

A Bear Species Known For Lazy Feature


There are three species of bears in Nepal: sloth bear, black bear, and brown bear. They represent three different physiographic regions, from the foothills of Churia to the mountains and Tibetan Plateau.

Melursus ursinus is the scientific name for the sloth bear, also known as Kathe Bhalu in Nepali. Because it uses its long and lower lips and palate to suck insects, this bear is also known as the Labiated Bear. The sloth bear is an endemic mammal that occurs in a wide range of habitats, including dry or moist forests, savannahs, scrublands, and grasslands. This bear is found below 2000 metres. I have made comparatively higher numbers of sloth bear sightings in Chitwan National Park.

Several years ago, bears, particularly in the Terai region of Nepal, served as pets and sources of entertainment. It was commercialised by showing bear dances, especially in circuses. However, for the past few years, Nepal has banned such activities in the country.

There was even a disagreement among scientists about the name of this bear. English botanist and zoologist George Shaw gave the sloth bear its name in 1791. They were named "Bear Sloth" due to their similar characteristics. Shaw named them Bradypus ursinus in 1791, which means “slow-footed bear”, using the family name of the three-toed sloths, the genus Bradypus.

The sloth bear goes by many different names across the region, depending on the language, and once Europeans became involved, the name changed again. The confusion over whether it was a bear or a sloth made it challenging for scientists to classify it. Once it was determined that it was indeed a bear, they changed the genus but kept the common name, so “bear sloth” was changed to “sloth bear”. Besides Nepal, the sloth bear is found in India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Bangladesh.


Sloth bear adults are medium-sized, long-snouted and long-haired. Its fur is black, long, and matted. It has a long, cream to dirty yellow snout and has white V-shaped markings on its chest. The hair is particularly long on the head and shoulders, while the legs and underparts are almost hairless. Their lips are so long that they can cover the nostrils. The well-developed, broad, sickle-shaped paws, armed with long claws, aid it in its specialised diet. Its tail is longer than that of other bears.

Sloth bears weigh 80 to 145 kg for males and 55 to 105 kg for females. Males can reach 192 kg and females 124 kg. The average weight of sloth bears from the subspecies named in Nepal was 114 kg for males and 95 kg for females. They stand 60 to 90 cm high at the shoulder and have a body length of 1.4 to 1.9 metres. Females are generally smaller than males and have more fur between their shoulders. Sloth bears have a lifespan of 25 to 28 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity. Named for its slow-moving habit, the sloth bear has poor eyesight and hearing but a keen sense of smell. Various adaptations equip this nocturnal animal to raid insect colonies. With its long, curved front claws extending from its large claws, it can open and tear open bee or termite nests.

The sloth bear is an expert hunter, locating prey such as termites and ants by smell. Arriving at the mound, they scratch the structure with their claws until they reach the large combs at the bottom, scattering the soil with violent puffs. It produces a sucking sound that can be heard up to 180 metres away. Their sense of smell is strong enough to detect grubs 3 feet underground.

Sloth bears are expert diggers and dig for large white birds and for woodchucks and other dung beetles that tunnel into the earth. Sloth bears are known as lazy bears, and their sleep cycles depend on their environment. They usually sleep 10 to 14 hours a day and do not hibernate.

Sloth bears breed in the spring and early summer and give birth in the late summer or early winter. Gestation lasts 210 days and usually occurs in caves, under rock shelters. Usually one or two cubs, rarely three cubs, are born. Cubs are born blind and open their eyes after four weeks. Sloth bear cubs develop quickly compared to other bear species. They can walk after one month. Cubs become independent at 24 to 26 months. Young cubs ride on their mother's back.

According to Dr Rajan Prasad Paudel, conservation officer at the National Trust for Nature Conservation, sloth bears depend on one of the most threatened habitats and food sources. To ensure their long-term survival, conservation of the grassland and forest habitats, particularly of Churia, should be protected. Management efforts must ensure the availability of wild fruits and insects like termites, ants, and bees, which are critical food sources for sloth bears.

Paudel identified a total of 37 sloth bears using the analysis of DNA from its faeces during his Ph.D. study from 2019-2023. However, based on sign surveys and bycatch data from remote cameras, he estimates their numbers to be between 150 and 200 across the distribution range in Nepal. A nationwide census of bears is essential to reveal the exact numbers.


The sloth bear population is declining due to habitat loss and illegal hunting. The species are targeted by poachers, as their body parts are used in traditional medicines. Young bears are sometimes captured for dancing bear shows. Tigers prey on sloth bears. Hostile encounters between bears and humans have led to retaliatory hunting, resulting in human injuries and deaths.The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species assessed the sloth bear in 2016 and listed it as 'Vulnerable'.

(The author is a wildlife photographer. The photos used in this article are by the author.)

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