• Wednesday, 12 March 2025

‘Gauri-Ananta Puraskar’ to Nepa:Information Center


Lalitpur (Patan), Feb 8: Lok Sahitya Parishad has presented the ‘Gauri-Ananta Sirpa’ award to Nepa: Information Center. The award carries a purse of Rs 50,000.     

The award was presented to the Center for its contribution to the promotion of Nepal bhasa at a ceremony organized in Bakhungbahal, Lalitpur today. The council has been presenting this award in every two years.     

Nepal Bhasa Academy Chancellor Malla K Sundar presided over the programme attended by litterateurs and human rights activists including among others Ramila Bajracharya, Yagya Ratna Dhakhwa, Rameshman Piya, Kesharman Tamrakar, Pavitra Bajracharya and Hirakaji Maharjan.(RSS)

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