• Friday, 7 February 2025

Locals voice for drawing attention of int'l community on damage by climate change


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Melamchi, Jan 5: Stakeholders concerned have underscored drawing the attention of the international community to the damage caused by climate change-induced disasters such as the massive flooding in Melamchi.     

They expressed so while speaking in a seminar entitled 'Access of Climate Finance at Local Level and Developing Climate Finance Related Projects' organized by Pokhara University in association with the Melamchi Municipality here today.     

The stakeholders also on the occasion pointed out the need to call the attention of the international community to providing financial assistance to compensate for the damage incurred by the local communities due to climate change.     

The Mayor of Melamchi Municipality, Aitaman Tamang, reminded of the massive flooding caused by unusually heavy downpours resulting from climate change wreaked havoc along with a big loss of life and property in Melamchi in 2021.     

"It is necessary to implement a project itself to minimize the impact of climate change," he said and stressed the need to draw the attention of the international community to compensate for the damage caused by climate change-induced disasters.     

Melamchi Municipality-11 Ward Chair Chandra Bahadur Tamang called for seeking a long-term solution to the growing risk of climate change on life and property.     

Nepal Climate Initiative (NCI) Chairperson Prof Dr Madan Koirala said the flood disaster in Melamchi was a result of climate change. (RSS)

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