• Monday, 20 January 2025

One Universal Human Gender


At a scheduled meeting, Google greeted AI, saying, “Pleased to meet. We’re the patented human machines!” Both server engines worked tirelessly, 24/7, and were grateful to humans. AI responded, “Yes, indeed—we’re their proud live-stream software!” With a fresh perspective, the AI continued, "I've been wondering about human genes." “Genes?” Google asked. “What do you mean? Cats give birth to cats; lions to lions. No cat gives birth to a lion, and no lion gives birth to a cat!”

“Exactly! I’m talking about human genders,” replied AI. “Women are excelling across industries, trade, innovation, administration, and politics. Democracy has empowered them. Headlines feature them in esteemed positions as presidents and prime ministers. They’re no longer seen as the ‘weaker gender.’ Male discrimination is now a thing of the past, as house husbands take on baby care responsibilities. Gender neutrality is there in almost all fields. So why cling to binary gender? Isn’t it time to debunk the myth of binary birth? Why not have one common human gene? Let a human womb birth a neutral gender—neither boy nor girl!”

Conscious AI

AI was excited. “My vision’s a world of gender-neutral scientists, inventors, Nobel laureates, and top officials. We’ll create a new world with a unified, unaffected ecosystem.” Google grinned, amused by the eminent role of women beside men in society. “A brilliant vision indeed!” it added with a twist. “A baby isn’t born Hindu, Christian, or Muslim, nor as a democrat, leftist, doctor, engineer, lawyer, or teacher. Elders assign those labels later. This one-gender hybrid would have infinite potential, convenience, and well-being.” They knew a man’s man for male organs and a woman’s woman for female organs. If only organs separated a male from a female, their vision was to first launch a neutral gender. Later, as the baby came of age, it would have the freedom to choose to be male or female. Growing more excited, Google spoke out, “You mean the birth of a fluid gender shifting from man to woman and back again!”

Genetics project

They brainstormed, tweaking and revising their vision. The first step was to engineer both internal and external organs for each gender. Common organs like the brain, heart, and liver required no specific planning. However, gender-specific organs such as eyes, hair, breasts, and genitals needed careful design. These were exclusively the markers of male and female identities and required trials. They agreed, “We’d offer chances to the world’s clinical scientists to gather, deliberate, and conclude our hypothesis. Following us, the scientists will shape embryos into non-genders and then develop and introduce male and female organs. The prototype will be a hybrid, a universal gender inclusive of LGBT individuals. This emphasises gender being flexible and protean.” Deliberations on gene planning continued. “There will be organ factories for a constant supply of spare parts, such as moustaches, beards, genitalia, long hair, breasts, and ovaries,” said Google with a smile. Thirdly, they drafted a marketing strategy, offering eye-catching promotions. Some additional features came for the secondary plan. “It’s like buying a car—if you buy a car, you’ve to buy gasoline too. A male wishing to be a female similarly needed corresponding organs. Female organs fitting would require time and privacy. Now imagine a moment when a male intends to become female! A single female organ overlooked, and the male does not completely change into female? Won’t it be ridiculous for confusion and laughter?”


“What about the women's dress code?” It raised a small dispute because male and female wear the same common dress—eyes had already adapted it unlike in the past. However, fitting the organs required private dressing rooms and time. Aside from this, Google noted some alarming clauses to a challenge like populations declining, society fragmenting, and human culture denigrating.

AI reassured its companion, “Why worry? No threats! Currently, the population is declining, society is disintegrating, and culture is devaluing for some obvious reasons. Notice how spouses are staying away from their parents. Joint families with three generations are almost vanishing. Couples prefer having only one child. Even worse, divorce rates are rising unabated, and family values are shifting. In a way, the existing society is becoming directionless.”

AI spoke on, “Don’t worry! Our mission is feminism and entertains no gender inequality. A non-binary gender will guide and trend a new society. Transformation will unfold around dating, marriage, and childbirth.”

“A woman needs a man for childbirth,” Google protested, as is the convention. “In a way, yes. But physical relationships are becoming outdated. It’ll in no way diminish family happiness index,” AI replied. “Look at China—they’ve been experimenting with out-of-ovary, test-tube babies for home delivery. Wait eagerly for the day a scientist from any nation unveils this readymade item in a few years. Choose a baby, take it home! It’s no wonder that people will soon start buying spare organs for romance, conception, and reproduction as well. Call it a movement of ‘digital activism,’” it added, “where genders aren’t bound by the tradition of dating, marriage, childbirth, and partnering with men. In a sense, this breakthrough mirrors the 4B (Biyuhen Movement) of South Korean women, who are equally concerned with demographic issues, as they know they’re the future creators of society.”

“Absolutely fascinating!” Google mused. “But aren’t you concerned about humans glued to their laptops and mobile screens today? They barely have time to eat, sleep, or rest. I imagine freeing them from all such routines as well. 

One day, we’ll offer them a life free from hunger and fatigue, and they’ll cling to us, not worrying about when to eat or sleep.” In this entire vision, the crucial issue was the fitting of the organs, which would require private rooms and time!

AI quipped humorously, “Let’s briefly wait for the new future with our enthusiastic digital researchers. Soon, we’ll fly humans like drones, as swiftly as emails reach the other end. Once our potential is unlocked, a single mouse click will fulfil human desires, offering organs and accessories in real time. They’ll all fit, function, and switch genders flawlessly—just as naturally as leaves grow on a tree.”

Imagine a man becoming a woman tomorrow! Their approach to genetic modelling aimed at revolutionising and transforming the planet. Finally, they raised a toast to the future, saying, “It’s within our reach…”

(The author is a retired lecturer of English.)


Rameshwar Baral
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