• Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Ripe paddy destroyed by rainfall, farmers worried


 By Radha Krishna Dumre, Syangja, Nov.5: The farmers of Syangja are worried after the haystacks that were cut and dried in the field got submerged. 

The unseasonal downpour on Monday afternoon damaged the paddy harvest. Paddy produce that was all set to be harvested got ruined by being submerged in rainfall that poured on Monday. 

Farmers that reaped paddy with hesitation because of unclear weather have now become bleak because the harvest lies ruined because of rainfall. 

Paddies produce of Bishnu Poudel of Waling Municipality-10, in five ropani' s of land, is ruined in the field itself. He said that he is now worried as the rice meant to be for a year now lies ruined in the field. 

He said, "The paddy crop cut down and laid to dry on the fields was damaged by the rainfall. It had become just five days when paddies were brought to the field. Now, it is all ruined. There will not be good rice nor straw." 

There are many other farmers just like Bishnu Poudel in Syangja, who are worried about not having an expected paddy harvest. They were all gearing up to harvest after finishing the Tihar festival. 

According to the Chief of Agriculture Knowledge Center, Syangja, Binod Hamal, the unseasonal rain of one night has damaged the harvested paddy in most areas of the district. It can result in a reduction of quality rice production.

The detailed incurred loss due to rain is yet to be ascertained. It is estimated that almost 60 per cent of farmers have harvested paddy, as per Himal. 

It was estimated that rice production would increase in Syangja this year. Paddy crop is planted in all 11 municipalities of the district.

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