For Quality Education


Much has been talked about quality education and the performance of teachers in our educational system. The tendency of talking and blaming about the quality of education often begins immediately after the results of SEE and +2 level are published. As the pass percentage of overall results are dismal and disheartening, blame game on it intensifies. But no visible and result-oriented initiatives are taken as remarkably as expressed concern. The journey of quality education may be painstaking and time consuming. We can't build a tower without laying a strong foundation. 

The idea of teaching and learning is as old as time itself, yet our struggle to empower teacher and enhance quality in education is still lagging behind. Who is to blame? Or who bears the responsibility of degrading quality of our education system is yet to be clarified. Education experts have realised that without developing competencies and skills in teaching faculty, desired transformation couldn't be achieved.

Many teachers lament lack of equal opportunities for continuous growth, lack of empowerment, due recognition, reward in their profession. While their demand are genuine and rational, they are not necessarily put into implementation. Agreement reached between the government and the agitating teachers' union is not implemented effectively. Ultimately this leads to the huge gap between the demonstration of skills and the call for empowerment. What bring the desired result are the decision-making level commitment to strategic aims and a visionary approach.    

There is a deeply held belief that teachers are the most influential and pivotal agents in improving the quality of education. Therefore, teachers need to inculcate basic skills of effective teaching skills. They need to execute teaching improvement plan in the classrooms so as to enhance their performance. But do we really think about making teachers competent and efficient? Are we ready to fulfil genuine demands and concerns of the teachers? There is a massive tendency of blaming teachers for deteriorating quality. But it is the problem of monitoring, supervising and empowering teachers with latest pedagogy.      

We must assimilate the fact that teachers are not merely the teachers. They are the role models of the society. Their contribution must be recognised by the government. Why competent and resourceful persons are unwilling to enter into teaching profession? They don't see any attraction in this field. So it is urgent to make this profession promising and attractive like any other public service. The pressing problem in teaching today is how to attract, sustain and motivate them throughout their career.

Professional teacher is a pivotal part of quality education. But in our context, how many such role model teachers have been sent to participate in an international level conferences and workshops? Learning from the best teaching models followed in the world and implementing them in our classroom may be helpful to bring quality. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to enhance the quality of education that holds the key to the overall development of nation.

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