Spread Smiles


In a small village lived a young boy. He was well-known for his sparkling laugh and shiny smile that could brighten even the gloomiest day. His joy was a beacon of hope for the villagers, who often turned to him for comfort and cheer.

All of a sudden, one day, the village was hit by a terrible storm. The crops were all destroyed, the animals were frightened, and despair settled over the community. His laughter faded, replaced by a heavy heart. He saw the suffering around him and felt helpless to change it. As days turned into weeks, his parents also got weak due to the damage made. He watched them grow weaker, their eyes filled with fear and sorrow. One evening, I have no hope, he was sitting in his room reading a book when he came across a beautiful quote: "A smile can be a light in the darkest of times."

With newfound determination, he decided to do something. He gathered the village children and told them about his plan that together they would create a chain of smiles. Each child would smile at someone, and that person would smile at someone else, and so on. As per the plan next morning, he smiled at the first person he saw, and that person smiled back. Soon, the village was filled with the sound of laughter and the sight of smiling faces. The chain of smiles spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the community. As the days passed, the villagers noticed a change. Their spirits lifted; their hope returned. The storm that went on became less overwhelming. But the smile had become a symbol of resilience and unity.

Sometimes all it takes to make the day better is a smile, whether it’s one someone gives to you, or one you share with another. Little acts of kindness can bring a shining smile to someone who has otherwise had a terrible day, and it can change everything that follows.

A smile is very powerful and important. To make people remember to smile, World Smile Day, celebrated annually on the first Friday of October, is a global movement dedicated to promoting kindness, happiness, and positive emotions through the simple act of smiling. The day was founded by Harvey Ball, the creator of the smiley face, in 1999 with the aim of bringing people together and spreading joy around the world. Everyone can make a difference on World Smile Day just by being caring and compassionate and helping those around them have the best day they can have. It is also important to remember that you should be smiling on World Smile Day! We often tend to forget about ourselves because we are so busy thinking about other people. What makes you happy? What is going to make you smile? A lot of people smile when they are helping others, so it is one big circle of happiness! Of course, there are plenty of other things that could make you smile as well. World Smile Day is a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference. By spreading smiles and positivity, we can create a happier and more connected world.

Whatever you do decide to do on World Smile Day, there is one important ingredient: a smile! So are you ready to smile and make others smile on World Smile Day today?

CiST College


Swechchha Ranjit
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