Sudurpaschim Province passes budget


Photo: Avinash Chaudhary/TRN Sudurpaschim Province Assembly members during budget endorsement.

By Avinash Chaudhary,Dhangadhi, Sept. 23: The budget for the current fiscal year presented by the Sudurpaschim Province government has been passed by a majority in the province assembly. 

This marks the second time the budget was tabled after a previous attempt on June 15 failed to gain approval, resulting in its reintroduction in September.

The assembly, which convened on Sunday, passed the budget after a thorough discussion held over the weekend. Minister for Economic Affairs, Bahadur Singh Thapa, presented an estimated budget of Rs. 31.62 billion in the assembly last Monday.  During the discussions on Saturday and Sunday, lawmakers from both ruling and opposition parties voiced their opinions.

Former Chief Minister and leader of the CPN (Unified Socialist Party), Dirgha Bahadur Sodari, expressed concerns over the legal challenges of reintroducing the budget, warning that such practices, which he claimed are not constitutionally sanctioned, could hinder its implementation. "We disagree with this approach, as it is completely wrong," he said.

Chief Whip of the ruling Nepali Congress, Bikram Singh Dhami, criticized the budget for its lack of significant changes from the previous one. "There is barely a 20 per cent difference between the earlier budget and this one. Provincial assembly members must play a more active role in formulating the budget," he said. 

He also raised concerns over external influences in the budget preparation. "If we cannot control these influences, we will lose credibility," he added.

Akkal Bahadur Rawal, Chief Whip of the opposition CPN (Maoist Centre), called for the budget to be rejected, arguing it disproportionately favoured the Kailali and Kanchanpur districts, neglecting the hilly regions. 

"Do the people of the hills not deserve development?" he asked, suggesting the creation of a separate province for the hill districts. Rawal further accused the government of catering to contractors over the people. He argued that projects implemented through contractors yield more profit. "The government is deceiving the people by opting for contractor-led implementation instead of using consumer committees," he said.

Chakra Bahadur Malla, Chief Whip of the ruling CPN (UML), also expressed disappointment, stating that the government failed to adhere to its own four-point and 25-point budget framework. While he acknowledged some positive aspects, he criticized the budget for its haste. 

"The government is prioritizing the contract system, and middlemen are prevalent within the administration," he said. Khushiram Dangoura, Chief Whip of the Rastriya Unmukti Party, voiced dissatisfaction with the lack of funding for the protection of Kailali and Kanchanpur's forest areas, including the Ghodaghodhi Lake, a UNESCO Ramsar site.

In contrast, Dammari Mahara of the ruling Nepali Congress commended the budget for its balance and coverage across multiple sectors, highlighting its many positive elements.

Dharmaraj Pathak of the ruling CPN (UML) remarked that while passing the budget is the responsibility of Parliament, it was unfortunate that the House could not take its full ownership. "Improvements are necessary," he added.

Opposition party member Khemadevi Bista of the RPP Nepal criticized the budget for ignoring the provincial capital, reiterating her party's stance that the provincial structure should be abolished.

Responding to the criticism, Minister Thapa defended the budget, claiming the government had worked to eliminate middlemen and prevent economic chaos. She outlined the provincial government's four-point plan aimed at promoting good governance. Thapa also pledged action against middlemen if evidence is provided.

Meanwhile, Speaker Bhim Bahadur Bhandari has scheduled the election of chairpersons for the Provincial Assembly's subject committees on September 27. He directed the Provincial Assembly Secretariat to publish the election timetable.

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