Cotton textile industry of Baitadi closed


By Gokarna Dayal,Baitadi, Sept. 7: The cotton textile industry established in Melauli to be self-sufficient in textiles has been closed. 

The cotton shawls, blouses and loincloths used to be woven in the industry. After the closure of the industry, local cotton clothes are not available in the market. The industrial building has reached a dilapidated condition. The cloth weaving looms inside the building are stored in a corner of the building.

During the visit of the then King Birendra to Baitadi in 1986, a decision was taken to establish the Cotton Textile Industry Limited in Melauli Municipality-1, Gorakhpur. 

Locals donated five ropanis of land for the establishment of the industry.

As per the national target of the then King Birendra to provide basic things like clothing, food, housing, education, health and security to the erstwhile Sudurpashchim Development Region from 1986 to 2000, it was decided to establish food depots in five places of the district along with the establishment of textile industry. 

Local Jagdish Singh Nayak said that although the food depot is operating, the textile industry has been completely closed since 2001. In the industry, a trainer was appointed to give a one-year training to the general public. Locals were inspired to weave clothes by setting up looms in their homes by providing collateral-free loans from the Agricultural Development Bank to entrepreneurs who had learned their skills after a year of training. 

The cotton shawls, blouses and loincloths used to be woven in the industry. After the closure of the industry, local cotton clothes are not available in the market. It was found that a decision to open a depot in Baitadi district headquarters and Patan was made to market the manufactured goods.

Krishna Singh Nayak, former mayor of Melauli Municipality, recalled that when the textile industry was operating in the village, the locals used to wear cotton clothes woven by themselves.

He said that the industry, which was closed from 2002 to 2005 due to the lack of raw materials during the ‘People’s War’ was not opened even after the peace process, and the cotton textile industry was left in a dilapidatedcondition. 

Locals have complained that the industry did not come into reoperation even though they repeatedly asked the concerned authority for the reoperation of the closed industry.

Chief of the Cottage and Small Industry Office, Baitadi, Ambadutta Joshi said that as the cotton industry is at the local level, the local people should request the provincial government for operation.

He said, “The cotton textile industry in Melauli was running well. The cotton textile industry is not under the Cottage and Small Industry Office at present. The local level should send a written letter to the provincial government to operate the closed industry.”

Bhim Bahadur Chand, Mayor of Melauli Municipality, said that preparations are being made to send a letter to the provincial government for the operation of Melauli cotton textile industry. 

He said that the local level did not have enough budget to operate the industry itself.

He said, “We have been requesting the federal and provincial governments for the operation of the industry. Due to the lack of political access, the budget could not be allocated for it.”

Industrial gram stalled  

The construction of the industrial village, which was supposed to be built in the Melauli Municipality, has been stalled for six years. 

There are iron mines, limestone and copper mines in the place where the industrial grams will be built.

Although the government has chosen a location for the establishment of an industrial gram in Kafalani by connecting Melauli Municipality 1, 3, 5 and 6 wards, the industrial village has been stalled due to lack of construction work. Chintamani Bhatta, a resident of Melauli Municipality, said that the issue of industrial village was raised only during elections. 

The locals do not believe that an industrial village will be built when the cotton textile industry is unable to operate.

Mayor Chand said that although the municipality has prepared a detailed study report for the establishment of an industrial village, there is no budget to proceed with the work.

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