Reconstruction of school buildings left in limbo in Kavre


By Kedar Timalsina,Banepa, Sept. 6: The reconstruction of school buildings that started post-earthquake in Mahabharat Rural Municipality of Kavrepalanchowk district is in limbo. 

The construction of three school buildings in the rural municipality with loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank has remained incomplete even five months after the expiry of the contract deadline. 

The Central Project Implementation Unit (CLPUI) signed an agreement with TDI-Ashish Construction Service JV to construct three school buildings in the rural municipality on October 22, 2021. The school buildings of Gokul Secondary School at Ward No. 1, Kalidevi Secondary School at Kupintar, and Janakalyan Secondary School at Ghartichap of Ward No. 8 are being reconstructed under DRSP-3.

Although it has been agreed to complete the reconstruction of the school’s building within one and a half years (18 months) from the date of the agreement, only 65 per cent of works have been completed so far.

Ashok Adhikari, an engineer at the CLPIU, said that the contractors had not done satisfactory work. 

"We have imposed a fine from March/April for not completing the work on deadline. The contractor company has committed to accelerate the work after the rainy season,” said Adhikari.

 Stating that the contractors can work for 200 days after the expiry of the deadline by paying a fine, he said that the contract would be cancelled if the contractors did not complete the work even after 200 days. 

According to Adhikari, around 65 per cent of the construction at Gokule Secondary School, 55 per cent at Janakalyan Secondary School and 45 per cent at Kalidevi Secondary School have been completed so far. 

The contractor company did about 40 per cent low bidding to get the contract but did not pay enough attention to work due to challenges posed by geographical remoteness and the condition of the road.

Sunil Saru, Principal of Kalidevi Secondary School, said they were facing problems as the school building was not completed on time due to the negligence of the contractor company.

Likewise, Padam Prasad Timalsina, Principal of Gokule Secondary School, said that the students from grades 1 to 5 are taught in a single class as the school lacked enough classrooms. He showed dissatisfaction over the delay in the construction work.

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