Dodhara Chandani (Kanchanpur), Sept 5: Home Minister Ramesh Lekhak has shared that the government has set a target of developing Dodhara Chandani of Kanchanpur as the largest checkpoint.
"Discussions are underway for
developing Kanchanpur as the tri-national border", mentioned Home Minister
He explained that a decision was
already taken to establish immigration office at Tinkar of Darchula in near
future which would connect Kanchanpur with China.
At a press meet organised by Press
Union Kanchanpur at Mahendranagar today, the Home Minister stressed that India
was ready to construct Dohara Chandani dry port, adding, activities for its
construction would begin soon.
Stating that a new political
equation between the two largest parties in the parliament—CPN (UML) and Nepali
Congress was made, he urged one and all not to doubt on the understanding
reached between the two parties.
"The government has been
formed signing seven-point agreement between the two parties. This alliance would
exist till coming election", underlined the Home Minister.
On the occasion, he shared, "I
have taken the Nirmala Panta murder case seriously. This case will be
thoroughly investigated."
A 13-year-old Nirmala Panta of
Bhimdutta municipality-2 in Kanchanpur was murdered after the rape on July 26,
2018. (RSS)