Dozens of house at risk of erosion from flood


Kanchanpur, July 26: Dev Bahadur Chand of Bheemdatt municipality-9 in Kanchanpur is fearing the flood that started in the first week of July will one day sweep away his home.     

Soil erosion near his house has been triggered with the incessant rains. It has already started affecting his house.     

"We live in constant fear that flood will destroy our home soon," he added. But literally there is no one on our side; there are none to listen to us, he complained. Chand further shared that plight that their frequent demands for constructing an embankment to thwart the situation went unheard.     

Over a dozen of houses at Niglashaini Tole of Bheemdatt municipality-9 are at a high risk of being demolished by the floodwaters. The locals believe that even a temporary embankment could offer them some relief. In the meantime, they have set up a tent in hope of reducing the risk.     

 The locals are battling the rising waters from a local canal. They said they become increasingly anxious whenever they see a cloudy sky.     

Rajamati Devi Bist of Tumnani shared they had never faced such severe flooding.     

Bhuwan Singh Dhami said that the flood had a significant impact on his land. Additionally, heavy rainfall in the Chure region damaged a roadway connecting Brahmadev and Mahendranagar, and a culvert was swept away at Bheemdatt municipality-9, disrupting traffic services.(RSS)

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