NC decides to give vote of confidence Oli-led government


Kathmandu, July 21: The Nepali Congress (NC) has decided to give a vote of confidence to the government led by KP Sharma Oli, Chairperson of CPN (UML).     

During a parliamentary party meeting today, the NC resolved to support Prime Minister Oli, who is set to seek a vote of confidence in today's session of the House of Representatives (HoR), following his appointment last Sunday with the backing of the NC, the largest party in parliament.     

The meeting also congratulated the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers formed in accordance with Article 76 (2) of the constitution.     

Moreover, the meeting urged the government to create an atmosphere that is favourable for Nepali students and citizens in Bangladesh who seek to return home amidst ongoing unrest there.     

Furthermore, the meeting called on the government to ensure effective rescue, relief, and medical care for those affected by recent incidents of landslides, floods, and inundations caused by heavy rains over the past few days. (RSS)

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