Newly produced Potato Price trebles


Rajan Rawat, Simkot, July 17: Price of newly produced potato has been going up. 

As the old stock of potato decreasing, the rising in the demand of newly produced potato has triggered the price up.   

A consumer from simkot bazar, Utsav Lama has said that the price started to rise as soon as sales of newly produced potato started. 

He informed that the new potato is selling at Rs 150 per kg. 

Meanwhile, the old potato was selling at Rs 40 per kg. 

He said that the price is soaring due to rising demand than its supply as its production was not encouraging.  

A commercial farmer Janpur Bhandari has said that price is high as it is carried to market walking from the remote village. 

He told that he has sold 10 quintal potato at rate of Rs 150 per kg. 

 He said that the production gone down due to drought.  

 Chairperson of federation of industry and commerce Ram Bahadur Bhandari has said that price is going up as supply of newly produced potato is yet to grow. 

The price of tomato costs Rs 250 per kg.




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