Appropriation Bill, 2081 presented before NA


Kathmandu, June 27: Finance Minister Barshaman Pun tabled the 'Appropriation Bill, 2081' in today's meeting of the National Assembly.

On the occasion, Minister Pun has said that bill has been presented as it is desirable to give the authority to spend money from the federal reserve fund for the financial year 2081/82.

Similarly, Secretary of the National Assembly Dr Surendra Aryal tabled the message received from the House of Representatives regarding the 'Appropriation Bill, 2081'.

In the meeting, National Assembly Chair Narayan Prasad Dahal shared that since Minister for Health and Population Pradeep Yadav is on a visit to the US, the responsibility of the Ministry has been assigned to Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development Jwalakumari Sah. (RSS)

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