Puri busy writing songs and managing events


By Amar Raj Naharki,Tanahun, June 27: Rajendra Puri has made significant strides in the fields of songwriting, music video production and programme coordination through hard work and perseverance.

 Despite creating many pieces, establishing an identity among the audience can be challenging for any creator. However, lyricist Puri has risen to prominence after releasing several songs that have resonated deeply with audiences. Puri gained acclaim with the song 'Timi Hidne Bato Malai Pyaro Lagchha’, sung by popular singer Bishnu Majhi, and has continued to thrive since then.

 Although he formally began writing songs in 2068 BS with his debut album ‘Aansu’,  Puri initially did not attract much attention. 

However, his collaboration with Bishnu Majhi sparked widespread discussion about his work. Today, Puri is not only involved in creating songs but also organises and manages various programmes.  Songs like ‘Timi Bhanda Ma Pahila Marema’, sung by Bishnu Majhi and Sagar Birahi, showcase Puri’s lyrical consciousness and appeal to a broad audience.

 Despite having numerous songs in manuscript form, only a few of Puri’s songs have been recorded and released.

His latest release, ‘Yeuta Dar Chha Sapana Tuti Janchha Ki’, featuring Devi Gharti and Ajay Tamang, is currently winning over audiences.

 Puri has also produced numerous popular music videos, including ‘Aama Yeti Sodna Man Chha’, ‘Piratiko Naauma’, ‘Tara Dinchhu Bhannele’, ‘Timro Aakhako Ranga’, and ‘Kasto Thiye Kasto Bhaye Hera Malai’.

Puri’s plans include launching the ‘Raat’ series, featuring dozens of actors. 

Actively participating in cultural programmes in Malaysia and Nepal since 2070 BS, Puri recently coordinated the 2nd Jaya Prapti Music Award-2080 held in Kathmandu.  Born 39 years ago in Dhading, Siddhlake Rural Municipality-4, Dharapani, he has received numerous honours and awards from various organisations in recognition of his contributions to the field.

Puri’s activism also extended to organising the second International Priyasi Silver Music Award in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, where nearly 30 artists were recognised across various categories.  He aims to promote tourism by showcasing cultural customs through his songs.

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