Boost Agro Yield


Agriculture has been the backbone of the Nepali economy, with almost two-thirds of the total population engaged in farming as their main occupation. Modern agricultural practices, including the use of high-yield crop varieties, advanced irrigation techniques, and large-scale farming using modern agricultural tools can significantly boost productivity and production. So the government needs to allocate enough budget in this sector. Modernisation and commercialisation of agriculture can lead to profitability, food security, economic growth and prosperity in the country. 

However, traditional farming methods have hindered in tapping full potential of agriculture. Outdated farming system needs to be replaced with modern scientific methods to boost production for food self-sufficiency and increase export potential.  For lack of budgetary priority and incentives, people involved in the agricultural sector are struggling to earn their living. For the fiscal year 2024/25, Rs. 57.29 billion has been allocated for the Ministry for Agriculture and Livestock Development. Likewise, the government has declared ten years from 2024 as an agricultural decade. The need is we should focus on high potential agro sectors with massive investment. 

Providing irrigation facilities, making seeds and fertilisers available in time and ensuring proper market and price for agricultural and dairy products should be in the priority. The government has allocated almost 28 billion for the purchase of chemical fertilizers alone, but farmers often face difficulties to get fertilisers in time, which affects productivity and forces farmers to suffer big losses. We also should put priority to produce and supply compost manure for healthy organic products.

Changing weather patterns due to climate change pose a significant threat to the agricultural sector. Every year drought and flood affect paddy and other crops, resulting in decreased agricultural yield. Modernising agriculture with climate-smart practices, such as drought-resistant crop varieties and sustainable water management systems, can be extremely helpful to farmers. Lack of adequate storage and transportation infrastructure is another major problem this sector is facing. Modern cold storage facilities and efficient supply chains can minimise losses, ensuring that agricultural produce reaches the market in time and without much loss. 

In regions like Jumla, Mustang, and other mountainous districts, high-quality apples face challenges in reaching the maket due to inadequate transportation infrastructure and people are compelled to purchase imported fruits at high prices. Addressing these concerns is the basic step in modernisation and commercialisation of agricultural system. The government should focus on digital platforms and e-commerce to connect farmers with buyers. Shifting from primary production to activities, such as processing and packaging, can significantly increase farmers’ incomes. Likewise, farmers can greatly benefit from establishing agro-industries that process raw materials into finished products, such as producing ketchup from tomatoes, creating cheese and other dairy items from milk. 

Access to financial services, loans and insurance is crucial for farmers to invest in modern equipment and inputs. Financial institutions need to develop various schemes targeting the agricultural sector, including low-interest loans and crop and livestock insurance schemes, to support commercialisation efforts in this sector. As people these days prefer organic produce, the focus should shift to organic farming, agroforestry and integrated pest management to maintain ecological balance and reduce the harm to the environment while doing agriculture. The government’s investment in agricultural research and development is essential to boost the morale of the farmers.

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