Former President Bhandari stresses national unity


Kathmandu, June 7: Former President Bidya Devi Bhandari has said more efforts were needed for building national unity and cooperation among all.     

Addressing a programme organized to felicitate senior leftist thinker Govinda Raj Gyawali in the federal capital on Friday, she viewed there are two ideological influences in the country: one is moving forward by accepting the existence of the other, while the other is reverse.     

In the programme organized by Madhusthali Foundation, she argued the country could progress only when all the political parties work for national interest.     

She shared that she knows Govinda Raj Gyawali as an ideological leader who was guiding the communist movement.     

The former Head of the State said Gyawali played a significant role for bringing together the leftist forces.     

Addressing the same event, CPN UML Deputy General Secretary and former minister Pradeep Gyawali also remembered the leftist leader Gyawali as an ideal figure to all communists in the country.(RSS)

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