Issues raised in special hour go unheard: Tara Lama Tamang


Sudurpaschim, Feb 6: Lawmaker Tara Lama Tamang has said the issues he raised during the special hour and zero hours in federal parliament went unheard. "I repeatedly voiced for people's welfare and concern of my constituency in the House of Representatives, but they were not addressed," he shared the plight.

Talking to the RSS, Tamang informed that he raised pressing issues, such as border dispute, victims of a wildlife reserve in Kanchanpur, sluggish construction of the postal highway and river erosion. The government, however, failed to pay adequate attention to such concern, he blamed. 

Although the government verbally vowed to address the problems, it did not put the words into practice, Tamang argued, adding that the federal parliament was derailing from the activities and agenda required to enforce federalism.

A CPN UML leader Tamang was elected to HoR member from constituency-1 of Kanchanpur district and had already become a Province Assembly member.

"I have experienced both the Province Assembly and HoR. In its first time, the Province Assembly witnessed a slew of bills as it was a new structure, while HoR did not become active to make necessary laws," he observed.

He admits necessary laws and policies were not made to enforce federalism and the Constitution. "Leaders must not be involved in weakening parliament, a supreme body of people's representatives," he said, interpreting issues in parliament as per personal/party interest is unbecoming.

Tamang underscored the need to consolidate legislature, executive and judiciary for effective performance. He wondered why the government and parliament did not pay heed to the reports submitted by parliamentary committees.

He, however, appreciated that a tentative schedule for parliament business had been prepared this time. It is positive in deed, Tamang commented. 

According to him, it is the failure of the government and the bodies concerned to curb corruption and aberrations. To be biased and to engage in bargaining for corruption control is loathsome. The anti-corruption efforts must show clear results, Tamang stressed.

The UML lawmaker is also for continuing positive initiatives forwarded by the previous governments.

Tamang regretted, "Although criticizing each other by the political parties is normal in a multi-party democracy, parties' distancing even on agenda of development and prosperity is disappointing."   

His vision for a prosperous Nepal is the creation of jobs within the country, the launch of long-term plans and nationally important projects. (RSS)

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