Nepal ready to manage 10,000 militaries for int'l peace- keeping: DPM Khadka


Kathmandu, Dec 6: Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka has said Nepal is committed to ready as many as 10,000 military persons at the request of the UN for peacekeeping operations around the world.     

Nepal has fulfilled most of the commitments relating to international peacekeeping and is working to meet the remaining ones, DPM Khadka said while addressing a UN ministerial-level conference on international peacekeeping in Ghana.     

He extended thanks to the Ghana government for hosting the summit and reminded us that Nepal has been supporting the 'Action for Peace' and 'Action for Peace Plus' programmes launched by the UN Secretary-General. Khadka also viewed these programmes were committed for the security of military persons and civilians.     

"Nepal has kept its army on standby for any adversity. We're sure that they meet the norms and disciplines of the peacekeeping armies. We've adopted zero tolerance against sex abuse and exploitation," DPM Khadka shared in the mega meeting.     

According to him, Nepal believes in improved coordination mechanisms among major stakeholders, including TPCC so that peacekeeping would be made more effective. He also urged all concerned to be united to achieve target through partnership.     

Moreover, the DPM shared that Nepal had increased the meaningful participation of women in military role to achieve the goal of the gender equality strategy forwarded by UN Secretary-General.     

"We are committed to using and promoting renewal energy to reduce environmental footprint in the peacekeeping mission. We use renewal energy in the partnership of UNMISS and the training center," he mentioned.     

Nepal has been contributing to the UN peacekeeping mission relentlessly since 1958. Nepal is second largest country in the number of security persons mobilized in peace keeping missions across the globe.     

The summit began on Tuesday under the theme of 'peace begins with me' and had the participation of representatives from some 90 countries. (RSS)

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