Bird flu-affected farmers receive compensation


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Chitwan, April 27: Farmers affected by bird flu in Chitwan have received compensation following the federal government's decision to compensate farmers for the loss incurred due to the H5N1 virus. 

According to the Veterinary Hospital and Livestock Service Centre chief Sushil KC, the infection was detected in the district between October 29, 2021, and 21 June 2022 and the government had ensured compensation of up to 75 percent of the total losses.   

The government has allocated Rs 319.13 million for the farmers and the distribution has already begun. The compensation amount is deposited directly in the farmers' bank accounts. 

So far, only 37 farms have met the criteria to get the compensation.  Some have duplication issues while others have not furnished the entire required documents. 

A total of 372,612 poultries including 35,811 layer chicken were destroyed in the district due to bird flu. Similarly, 94,728 kg of poultry feed, 6300 eggs of turkey, 120 kg of turkey meat, and 40 kg of chicken meat were destroyed. (RSS)

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