PM Prachanda pledges to resolve legal issues facing Nepalis abroad


kathmandu, Jan 16: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' reaffirmed his commitment to deliver in a way to win the hearts of millions of Nepalis abroad.

In a discussion with representatives of the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) at the official residence of Prime Minister at Baluwatar, Kathmandu, on Monday, PM Prachanda reiterated, "There are millions of Nepalis abroad. I made efforts to address the demands of NRNA in my second term as the PM. I will win as many as hearts of offshore Nepalis in my third stint."

Leader Prachanda, who was appointed PM on last December 25, assured the visiting delegation that he would spare no efforts to remove all obstacles for those willing to work in the best interest of Nepal. 

Stating that many Acts and laws in Nepal were archaic, the PM stated that the government of Nepal was gradually correcting the complexities created due to some existing legal provisions and vowed to get rid of legal confusions in coming days. 

He extended his gratitude towards the non-resident Nepalis for their 'huge' role in establishing the identity of Nepal and Nepali in the world. 

Furthermore, he expressed his happiness over the Nepalis being more sensitive and sensible towards further introducing Nepal all over the world politically, economically, culturally and socially. 

The NRNA on the occasion wished newly appointed PM Prachanda for his successful tenure and handed over a memo.

Executive President of NRNA, Rabina Thapa, on behalf of the Association, briefed about its activities, issues addressed by the government of Nepal so far and policy and legal reforms to be carried out in coming days. 

Sharing information about the legal and practical hassles faced in putting forward the 'NRN Nepal Development Fund' of Rs 10 billion with the investment of government of Nepal, NRNA President Badri KC urged the government to address the hurdles immediately.

Similarly, NRNA President Kul Acharya called for the government to address the issues related to the citizenship to non-resident Nepalis without any delay. 

Former NRNA President Bhawan Bhatta, NRNA's founder International Coordinator, Bhim Udas, Vice-President RK sharma, among others were present on the occasion. (RSS)

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