New MPs to take oath on Thursday


Kathmandu, Dec. 21: Final preparations for the oath-taking ceremony for newly elected members to the House of Representatives have reached the final phase. As per the schedule, the new lawmakers will take the oath of office and secrecy at the Baneshwar-based Federal Parliament Building at 1:00 pm on Thursday. 

Spokesperson of the Federal Parliament Secretariat, Dr Rojnath Pandey, told RSS that the newly elected members of the Lower House have been requested to come with their certificate of election to the post for the swearing-in ceremony.  

The senior-most member of the HoR, Pashupati Shumsher Rana, will administer the oath of office and secrecy to the newly elected HoR members.  Similarly, a pin representing the logo of parliament would be distributed to lawmakers soon after taking the oath of office and secrecy. 

The Secretariat has already prepared an oath paper in the Nepali language for the swearing-in ceremony. Time has been given to those lawmakers who want to take the oath of office and secrecy in their mother tongue till 11:00 am Thursday. 

After the oath-taking ceremony, a tea reception has been scheduled in honour of newly elected lawmakers. (RSS)

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