I had a great opportunity to visit Bishwa Jyoti Secondary School, Silmi, Parbat, on 23 February, 2025. As a professional educator, former principal of a reputed school in Kathmandu, freelance writer, and ever-learning student, I was graciously allowed to share some of my thoughts and experiences to empower and motivate the grade ten students that were going to sit for Secondary Education Examination (SEE).
During the discussion and sharing, the following seven points were highlighted: i) Focus ii) As I Am iii) Catch the Time iv) Less is More v) Hard Work vi) Creativity vii) Suffer one per cent now to avoid three-thousand times suffering later in life. Let’s now explore these points.
Focus is essential for success. Concentrating your attention on one specific thing at a time creates a lot of energy like a magnifying glass concentrating the sun’s radiation can produce such an energy to even burn things like paper and dry leaves easily. When your attention is divided to many things, the achievement you will get is not very great. Therefore, focus.
Adhering to your specific personal traits and qualities is crucial for enjoying who you are and what you do. This is not to say that you will, of course, need to learn and improve, but you can do so by being who you are rather than trying to be who you are not. When you maintain your special characteristics, you will be creating your own niche, which other people won’t have. This will make you special and distinct. Keep learning and growing, but remain who you are.
There is time for everything. In life, we go through different times. Understanding these times and doing what is right for that specific time is of critical importance. For example, when you are a student, do what you can do best as a student. Whatever activity you get involved in or whatever situations you are in, deal with them the best way you can.
There is so much you can achieve. Even if you do a little with full attention and immense care, the impact will be great. So, rather than getting involved in so many things at a time, it is better to deal with one thing first. Whatever you do, do it with clarity and simplicity. Avoid vagueness. Nothing good comes easy. Good things are hidden deep and hard. You have to work diligently to bring those concealed treasures out. Hard work is crucial. Life becomes wonderful when you learn to be diligent like an ant and as busy as a beaver.
Things can be made more beautiful and impressive with creativity. Therefore, it is always better to try to do things in a new way. Be open and explore to see if there are new ways of doing things. Be creative. Suffer one per cent now to avoid three-thousand times suffering later in life. This is in the context that when you do not study and fail or quit the education, this incompletion or failure will make you feel bad in some way all your life. Therefore, don’t let that happen. Suffer a little now for your study so that you will have no regrets in the future.