• Thursday, 9 January 2025

Bansbari land case:CG Chandbagh Residency withdraws writ petition


Correspondent, Kathmandu, Jan.8: The writ petition against the government's decision to return the land registered in the name of CG Chandbagh Residency from Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory has been withdrawn.

The petition filed on behalf of the residency demanding to stop the registration process was returned on Tuesday.

Sanjay Thakur, the authorized petitioner of the company, filed a petition to withdraw the case in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. the joint bench of the Supreme Court has allowed it as per the request to withdraw the writ petition.  

A joint bench of Justices Manoj Kumar Sharma and Nripadhwaj Niraula had ordered the acceptance of the withdrawal petition. 

The land was retained in of the Champion Footwear giving ownership to residency. 

The government has announced its decision to reclaim the land of the then Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory unlawfully occupied by the private sector. 

The Department of Land Reform and Management (DOLRM), Dillibazar, and Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police and others were made the opponents. 

The case has been withdrawn amidst the attendance on the issue of whether or not there is an interim order is pending.

There is an involvement of Arun Chaudhary of the Chaudhary Group, Ajit Narayan Singh Thapa, executive director of the then Bansbari leather shoe factory, and Sanjay Thakur, president of  Chandbagh School: CG EducatioN, were involved in the land case.

After the order of the court, they were released on appearance bail. 

With the release of the released person, the police wrote a letter to Malpot to start the process of returning the land.

Police had corresponded with the Department of Land Reform and Management (DOLRM), Dillibazar to proceed with the process of reclaiming the land. 

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