AMR : Silent Epidemic


Nobel Laureate Alexander Fleming, in his winning speech of Nobel Prize 1945 warned the world about Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) stating

 “… It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to Penicillin. The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that an ignorant man may easily underdose himself, exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug and make them resistant.”

Today, here we are, living in a world where enfeebling of Antimicrobials due to AMR poses as a major health concern globally. Antimicrobials comprise of antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and anti-parasitic; the drugs deployed to combat infectious diseases in living beings. When these antimicrobials fail to destroy the microbes, they become resistant to the drugs and are termed as ‘superbugs’ and easily infect us unless we become a ‘superman’.

The question arises, ‘How fatal is AMR?’ AMR is the culprit behind a startling number of nearly 1.3 million deaths per year globally.  If the trend continues, this number could surge to 10 million deaths per year by 2050, overpowering the fatality of staggering hazards like ‘Cancer’. Do we want around 10 million people to die yearly just because our magical medicines stopped working? If prompt actions measures aren’t taken, the simplest infections and wounds could once again be fatal to mankind which means years and years of medical advancements would fall back to zero. 

In addition to health-related setbacks, AMR also economic descent as the World Bank estimates that it could result in an additional healthcare costs of about USD 1 trillion by 2050. We all must’ve, once in our lives, self-prescribed ourselves antibiotics for common cold or tonsillitis and bought antibiotics ‘over-the-counter’ from a nearby pharmacy. The pharmacist too, without any prescription from the doctor or definite tests and diagnosis must’ve sold it like there’re no repercussions. But, the repercussions are worse and alarming as they give rise to AMR.

 The DDA (Drugs Act 2035) strictly prohibits the sales of antibiotics without prescription but this has not been brought to life as it should. We don’t give a second thought while treating animals and plants with antibiotics or later while consuming them. This certainly is one of the most widespread causes of AMR.  Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in our community and healthcare settings is pivotal to cease the spread of drug-resistant microbes. Getting vaccinated is a major ailment to abstain from getting infected and then being treated with multitude of antibiotics. 

WHO has already blazed a trail against AMR globally by formulating Global Action Plan on AMR (GAP) 2015 taking into account aspects like ‘spreading awareness of AMR among the global population, strengthening surveillance and research, preventing infections and regulating the use of antimicrobials’. Quadripartite collaboration among World Health Organisation (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP)  have been instituted to combat AMR globally by practicing ‘One Health’ approach. 

The Nepal government has launched National Action Plan (NAP) on AMR in 2016 that coalesces with whose Global Action Plan and One Health Approach. Aligning with the World AMR awareness week (18-24 November), notable programmes have been launched by the government itself, WHO Nepal and even a youth-led initiative called ‘National Youth Coalition against Anti-Microbial Resistance’. Above everything, public awareness and vigilance serves as the best way to fight against AMR. As the theme of AMR week 2024 was ‘Educate, Advocate, Act Now!’ let’s learn and teach about AMR, let’s discuss it widely without any delay.


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