'Resource efficient building construction a must for low carbon emission': Acting PM Singh


Acting PM Singh speaking at Building Energy Efficiency in Nepal (BEEN) Programme

Patan (Lalitpur), Sept 27: Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Urban Development Prakash Man Singh highlighted the need of constructing resource efficient buildings for low carbon emission as per the Sustainable Development Goal.     

At an event organized here today by Building Energy Efficiency in Nepal (BEEN) Programme funded by the European Union under the SWITCH-Asia Grants Programme, the acting PM Singh said all three-tier of governments should pay attention for energy efficient building construction as per the goals set by the government in a way to reduce carbon emission.     

"All 60 municipalities involved in it should adopt and implement their policies, plans and budgets and encourage other municipalities for this. Mitigate the negative impacts of climate change is a milestone to reach the Sustainable Development Goals", he said.     

Singh expressed the belief that the programme would help in achieving the target of the 16th five-year periodic plan.    European Union Ambassador Veronique Lorenzo said resource-efficient building technology would be useful for the world in reducing the impacts of climate change. She said that building with this technology would be clean and energy useful as well as important in terms of prosperity.     

On the occasion, Deputy Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City Manju Devi Gurung said that Pokhara Metropolitan City has prepared the Energy Effective Building Construction Procedure 2080 BS giving importance to this project.     

She informed that the metropolitan city has now implemented this technology in the construction of government buildings.     

BEEN Project Leader Daniel Neyer informed that it is being implemented in 60 municipalities of Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini, informing that 12 municipalities have so far formulated regulations for this purpose and five municipalities are preparing the regulatory framework.(RSS)

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