Minister Gurung urges for timely reforms in laws


Patan (Lalitpur), Sept 13: Minister for Communications and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurung has called for timely reforms in legal framework aligning with the republican system of governance.     

Inaugurating the 18th general assembly and 8th convention of Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepal (ACORAB) here on Friday, Minister Gurung highlighted the need to modernize the laws in the wake of the country transitioning from various governance systems since Panchayat-era.     

Expressing his commitment to revise and replace the outdated laws formulated within a year, Gurung confessed that it was difficult for them and subordinate agencies to deliver well in absence of modern laws.     

Reaffirming his commitment to end anomalies and aberrations prevailing the communication section, the Minister vowed to address the problems ensuring freedom of the press.     

According to him, the community radio stations were also facing problems as they were being established without thorough research and were being run in an ad-hoc manner.     

Reiterating to formulate several legislations within a year to address the challenges and problems prevailing in the communication section, he shared that the draft of the mass communication bill was ready and some regulatory measures were in the offing.     

He noted that the cyber security was the biggest challenge at present and thus said the new legislation towards this was being framed. He pledged to address community radio related problems.     

Similarly, Min Bahadur Bishwakarma, Chief of Information and Publicity Department of the Nepali Congress, highlighted the role of a robust press in safeguarding democracy and thus pressed for further protecting and promoting the press.     

Mentioning lack of uniformity in legal framework for press in three-tier government, he emphasized unified legal framework to promote freedom of the press.     

Likewise, Rajendra Gautam, Chief of Department of Publicity of CPN (UML) was hopeful that the ongoing assembly would elect an able leadership that would address problems facing the community radios in the country.     

According to him, resource management was the major challenge for community radios in the country and thus called for coordination and collaboration among the stakeholders for the same.     

He also called for improving broadcast contents by rising above the partisan interest while recruiting the skilled human resources for the community radio stations.     

ACORAB ex-Chairperson Subash Khatiwada criticized that the community radio were facing problems due to stringent laws put in place by three-tier governments.     

Although many press laws were devised, he argued that those stringent legal frameworks have intended to curtail freedom of press.     

Nepal Press Union's President Shiva Lamsal reaffirmed the Union's commitment to advocate for the community radio. He shared that they were piling pressure on the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to relax renewal process for radio and facilitate to re-operate 62 radio stations that were shut down due to various reasons including bureaucratic hurdles.     

Press Chautari's President Ganesh Basnet called for collaborative effort to address the issues facing the community radios in the country.     

Press Centre Nepal's President Bishnu Sapkota lauded the ACORAB's positive contributions to country's community radio sector. He, however, pointed out the need to address weakness and deliver to meet the expectations of the audiences.     

Leadership of various journalists groups such as President of Society of Madheshi Journalists Mohan Singh and Sancharika Samuha's President Bimala Tumkhewa among others extended their best wishes to the ACORAB for its successful convention.     

ACORAB President Arjun Giri shared that 316 community radios were operational at present while 62 were shut down due to various reasons.     

He urged the government to provide necessary support for the sustainable management of the community radios.(RSS)

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